My suggestion was to make sure that none of the Space Empires 4 files were set to read only.
If he had it installed in some protected folder or was accessing it across a network without the correct privaleges then that would explain it.
What I did not tell him to do was to give the program access to sensitive areas of his computer (even though if it was a virus running it would allow it to access these areas and de-protect them anyway) although I agree the wording I chose may have been interpreted in that way.
Admitedly, it could have been virus infected, but by that matter he has re-installed the program already and it still has the same problem, in which case his entire computer would be infected with said virus. An unlikely possiblity but one nonetheless, however, it does not mean I am an idiot as you put it.
Of course, going from his wording he said "Complete Reinstall" which could mean he reinstalled his entire system (Probably not, bad choice of words) which would eliminate the possibility of a virus on his system.
All I can think of, as I said before, is that he has located the SaveGame for the game he is playing in an area which SE4 cannot write to, hence the File Access Denied error.
If indeed you had understood my post as I intended it to be read LCC (Indeed I used a bad choice of words for my suggestion) you would have realised I did not mean to make the entire hard-drive access free, however as any program can change the write attributes of files anyway without user input any potential virus would have this included.
Edit: Sorry if this seems a bit hostile, I'm just clarifying the point I was trying to make.
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[This message has been edited by Matryx (edited 12 August 2001).]