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Old April 14th, 2008, 06:52 PM
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Default A question about \"starting\" weapons....

I have an odd question, but I need it's answer for the mod I'm working on.

I know when you start with "Standard" technology, (i.e. NOT Organic, Crystalline, Religious, or Psychic) you automatically start with the Depleted-Uranium Cannon and Capital Ship Missile as the default weaponry available to you.

How is this assigned, and how would I assign another weapon as a default starting one available?
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Old April 14th, 2008, 07:47 PM
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Default Re: A question about \"starting\" weapons....

In TechArea.txt, Start Level is the tech level each player starts with on a low tech start, and Raise Level is the level for a medium tech start. High tech start gives everything at max level. One level of the appropriate colonization tech is also given out on top of this, though I don't remember off the top of my head exactly how which tech to give is determined.

To give a different default starting weapon, you just need to set the Start Level for its prerequisite technologies to whatever level is required for the level of the weapon you want.
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Old April 15th, 2008, 02:44 AM
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Default Re: A question about \"starting\" weapons....

Okay - I think I get the basic idea.

But, how would I go about adding a simple Laser weapon?
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Old April 15th, 2008, 03:01 AM
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Default Re: A question about \"starting\" weapons....

Suppose you have a series of laser weapons, Laser I through Laser X and Advanced Laser I through Advanced Laser 5. Lasers require Lasers technology 1-10, and Advanced Lasers require Lasers technology 6-10 and Advanced Lasers technology 1-5. So, you can just research Lasers all the way to the end to improve your basic weapon, but beyond a certain point you need research in other areas to really get the best stuff.

You want everyone to start with Laser I weapons available in a low tech game, and Advanced Laser I in a medium tech game. Set the Start Level of Lasers technology to 1, and the Raise Level to 6. Set the Start Level of Advanced Lasers technology to 0, and the Raise Level to 1.

With these setting, a low tech start gives everyone 1 level in Lasers and none in Advanced Lasers, satisfying the prerequisites for Laser I. A medium tech start gives everyone 6 levels in Lasers and 1 in Advanced Lasers, satisfying the prereqs for Advanced Laser I (along with Laser I-VI).
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Old April 15th, 2008, 12:44 PM
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Default Re: A question about \"starting\" weapons....


I'm still new to this aspect of modding, but I'll see what I can come up with along these lines.

I appreciate the help, BTW
Run if you like, you'll only die tired....

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