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Old March 22nd, 2008, 10:32 PM

Cerlin Cerlin is offline
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Default A hunt for challenging Mod Nations!

Hello Everyone,

I was wondering what mod nations you all feel are either well balanced or strong to fight against that would help spice up the single player. While I really do enjoy multiplayer games, I also enjoy single player and I recently found that playing a single player with Args dis really upped the challenge that the computer AI offered.

So My main question is, what mods would you all recommend for helping up the challenge in single player? Which ones do the computer use best to make a good game? Thanks!
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Old March 22nd, 2008, 11:01 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: A hunt for challenging Mod Nations!

The AI seems to do pretty well with Ogre Kingdoms, probably because they have a non bless reliant scary early game, non research/gem reliant buffs and so on. Basically they work ok the way the AI plays, which is to throw tonnage of troops at you. You'll have to turn supplies up to 300% or the ai will starve all its armies though. Oh and they suck at using slave giants because they don't know how to give them orders to attack closest, so they hang around the back staying behind the troops. Doh.

They also did pretty well with the LA Hoburg nation last time I checked - Kingdom of Hoburg I believe. Similar reasons to Ogre Kingdoms, though I can't attest to it being 'well balanced'.

Good question though. Amos mods' make for scary AI opponents, but don't really fit that 'well balanced' idea, for example.
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