I have been a while off SE and have recently tried to get a new account in spaceempiresDOTnet and SpaceEmpiresVDOTcom because the username and password are not anylonger present to me.
Could anyone give me a hint what to do, or inform the forum people over there. - Thanks.
I don't visit spaceempiresVDOTcom, as you put it, and don't go to net much but I know these things.
Vcom was described recently as falling apart if you look at it funny and a few people said their passwords had dissapeared with claims they never had an account. Someone posted a script to net that unfortuantely messed it up, though they didn't mean it.
Such is sad to hear. I hope spaceempires.net at least will stay alive because the Adamant Mod forum is there. That is the reason I want to get in there.