Re: Gandalf\'s bl_peaked blitz
I'am c'tis and i found this thread !!!
It was a very difficult game as we were only 3. 3 is very instable to play, 4 is far better.
I started to attack Jothum with shinuyama (not very motivated, shinuyama i think ^^) then this last evil god declare war on me and i had to fallback, fortunately with an intact army.
Then 40 turns of terrible war between me and the evil japanese demons...
The basic troops of shinuyama are terrible. (Armored heavy longbow archer, argg....) My unit are crappy relative to them. I had to used the last bit of power of my mighty magic sauromancer and of my deadly dominion to hold them.
I first lost my main summoned army (giants tugs and swamp guards) then had to adapt.
I was not used of this nation, as it is one of my first dominion 3 games. (I used to played dominion 2, but chtiss changed a bit, where is my serpent dancer !!!!!)
I managed to hold its terrible heavy archer troops using hundreads of battlesummoned undeads under the shadow of darkness, and i managed to block shinuyama's super undead and d�mon warrior with drain life....
I use also a lot my immortal pretenders and some wraith lords..
But, i'am currently cracking, yes... My capital is under siege and the force of evil will soon dominate the world.....^^