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Old May 11th, 2007, 12:42 AM
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Default Can someone help me with the mod Im trying to make

Hey I just registered on the forum, I read them pretty often, but never really post.

I wanted to make my own mod and I photoshopped stuff off the net to make tga's for my mod which is supposed to be a LA nation of evil vampiric demons

I cant get the mod to start however, it does that N?gok thing and says #name, badname or something.

I fiddled around with the file, tried changing a few things around, I even removed the stuff that could cause extra complications like a starting magic site and new weapons. I just want to get the units to work at least and then add in the extra jazz.

So I added all the units and the new pretender I made to LA ermor, (I previously made my own god with a custom tga and it was pretty cool and worked fine) hoping that that minimize some of the issues that could be caused from errors in the unit defence n' stuff (like I said, I just want to be able to recruit the units i made for a start).

It still gave me the same error, saying i have "#name, badname" or something.

Is there like a list of the different types of errors and what they mean?

if not then can somebody whos an experienced modder download my mod and tell me if they see smething wrong with it.

Also, so I could upload the file I changed it to .txt, and if whoever looks at it wants to look at the folder where I keep my .tga files for this mod then tell me and I will upload them, but I dont think that is where the issue lies so I havnt uploaded it yet.

p.s. after some1 helps me with this error I'll upload the full mod

and meanwhile, Im going to go wash the dishes, I downloaded a bunch of other mods just now so Im going to use them as templates for my mod and hopefully that will work.

but it would still be nice if someone had a look at the unit commands in that mod.

by the way, here is a pic of the pretender that Im making for this mod , I got him to work before, but I want to make a nation that looks coherent with him haha.

[image]http://s29.photobucket.com/albums/c254/Garnak/?action=view&current=diablo1.gif[/image] thats the original (i got a gif so i cud ss different frames to get multiple tga's)

and then photoshopped 2 look cooler
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Old May 11th, 2007, 01:08 AM
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Default Re: Can someone help me with the mod Im trying to make *DELETED*

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Old May 11th, 2007, 01:08 AM
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Default Re: Can someone help me with the mod Im trying to

I will look over the mod for you
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Old May 11th, 2007, 01:10 AM
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Default Re: Can someone help me with the mod Im trying to

thanks a bundle mate ... bbcode isnt working -.-
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Old May 11th, 2007, 01:15 AM
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Default Re: Can someone help me with the mod Im trying to

The issue may be with your path commands for your graphics. I noticed that your linking like this "directory/graphicname.tga" instead of "./directory/graphicname.tga". Notice the . at the beginning, that denotes the current directory.

I am not sure, but I believe the way you are doing it makes the game think that the graphic is actually called directory/graphicname.tga instead of being called "graphicname.tga" in the directory. That would probably generate a badname error because it is looking for a bad name for a graphic.

I will look over the scripting some more to see if there are any other errors I can find. Your scripting style is a nightmare for me to read because it is so different than mine, it reminds me of reading someone elses code.
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Old May 11th, 2007, 01:34 AM
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Default Re: Can someone help me with the mod Im trying to

ah kk, ill go try that right now =]

i used the vaetti example mod as my reference and yea this is actually first time im writing commands for a program, ie i didnt do computing at school or anything.

so im not exactly sure about what i can do (to clean it up) without making dom not being able 2 read it.

if i could use tables for the stats that would be really helpful but i dont know if i can or cant.
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Old May 11th, 2007, 01:47 AM
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Default Re: Can someone help me with the mod Im trying to

These two lines here may cause an issue as well...

#newmonster 2001
--Steals stats and sprite from the original draconian chief.

Any commenting should be done outside of the #newmonster (or #selectmonster) and #end commands.

As far as cleaning your scripts up. They look fine to me, they just don't look like mine lol.
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Old May 11th, 2007, 01:10 AM

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Default Re: Can someone help me with the mod Im trying to

You may want to download a nation mod made by someone else and compare what they did to what you have done.
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Old May 11th, 2007, 08:44 PM
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Default Re: Can someone help me with the mod Im trying to

alright, I downloaded six other mods which most of seemed to work, there was a ulm reborn mod and some other one that didnt work. it gave some spr error, anyway.

I cleaned up my mod so its cleaner, I used the insectoid mod as a template (cheers amos), and made sure my mod looked as close to his mod as possible save different names, stats and so on.

looking over my mod I found some things that would be clearly problematic, ie I found two spelling errors, 1 being I named a creature ./covenantguard.tga and its tga file was Covenant guard, ... and instead of bonegnasher i had bonegansher , but I think I fixed all those up.

I zipped up the whole mod along with its tga's so hopefully that will help. as of now it still doesnt work, the error I get is #name, no name. At least the pretender I made works, so I just stick his data into other peoples mods so I get my very cool diablo1 boss pretender

thanks for the help
and hopefully we can work out what the issue is so I can go ahead and fix it and then I can go ahead and create new mods , also if some1 wants me to make tga's for their mod, tell me and Ill give it a whirl because I got art pad and electric pen + photoshop and like I have been drawing for my self and private art teachers etc etc.
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