Re: US TOE Questions
I just looked at the copy of FM 7-10 on and find the pictures to be quite confusing myself mainly because the key says "machine gun 7.62mm/5.56mm" which doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.
US Squads get two automatic rifles per squad plus the MG section at platoon level. This should roughly equate to 2 M249 x N number of squads, plus 2 M240B in the current TO&E. The 2 auto rifleman per squad has been a fixture of US squads since 1956.
EDIT: Looking at it again, I think the 6 LMG's its referring to are the 2 MG's per platoon in the platoon MG section. This is the only way this makes sense.
Furthermore, since FM 7-10 is for Infantry Companies, I wouldn't expect it to bother describing notable systems down to squad level, only at platoon level, further supporting this theory.