2 thatguy96
Thank you for your answer.
As far as I know there are not so many in-game H-6/Huges 500 modifications with such high EW. I would say most of them have ~EW of 5. Anyway I will take a closer look at them. For now I can say that the reduction of AH-6J's EW down to, let's say, 5, should not lead to any conflicts with other OOB's.
2 whdonnelly
whdonnelly said:
Sorry that I can't find the statistics yet, but I do know that some of the little birds have the most state of the art aircraft survival equiptment available, based on some special mission profiles. Maybe not to be compared to jets, but pretty impressive for a helocopter.
Also, reactive jamming has came a long way in the last few years.
Well, we must admit that the most efficient AH-6J's survival equipment is it's size. As I have already told in my previous post, I will leave the question about it's size till the fall. So for now it is 1. I don't know (yet) any choppers in the game that are such small.
May be you're talking about the MELB LBirds?
Here's what found on the net (see my link in prevous post)
".....FY2000 funds provide for the integration of the Allison 250-C30/R3 engine, and Full Authority Digital Electronic Control software refinement into the Mission Enhanced Little Bird (MELB) aircraft. This provides extensive Electro Magnetic Interference/Electro Magnetic Countermeasure (EMI/EMC) testing for the MELB aircraft. This includes shipboard compatibility, full certificate at the Dahlgren facility and additional shielding/protection for the aircraft systems....."
But as we can see from the name of the fund it is late 90's - not 1983 or even 1989.
And after all, you must remember that AH-6 "Little Bird" is an armed variant of the same OH-6A.
So look at the picture and tell me, can this small helicopter have enough free space for powerful Electronic Attack/Radar Jamming system?