KraMax said:
Well even if - to assume that figures HE kill are taken concerning to weight of a battle missile unit - that ratio all the same turns out incorrect.
How so? FIROS-30 HEK is 11 more than 122mm (we don't know which rocket this was based on). FIROS-30 only has an HEI warhead (an incendiary capability generally gets a greater HEK from most OOB designers) that is 26.5 kg. The base Russian rocket, which is still in production according to that site, is HE-Frag and weights just over 8 kg less.
Both the 9M28F and 9M521 are 5 kg smaller than the FIROS-30 HEI rocket, which means they should still have a smaller HEK rating. The ratio might be off here, but it should not be equal.
Only the 9M522 is equal to the FIROS-30 HEI, and I somehow with the lack of space in the Russian OOB for more weapons, I'm guessing this wasn't the one selected.
It doesn't seem off to me when the Russian OOB is so packed there is one type of 122mm rocket (weapon 104 122mm Rocket LR) that has to span the entire timeline. If you change it to represent the new rocket, I will promptly complain that it is too powerful for the time period before the introduction of the 9M28F, 9M521, and 9M522.
It seems to model the 9M22U just fine. Its a limitation of the game that you can't have all dozen rocket types.