***On hosting***
If I receive no mail, message or PM from you before the 24h host countdown has ended telling me that you can't get in your turn, I WILL HOST. This is to maintain "game flow". Pauses are permitted to a certain limit (at maximum a week), but YOU must inform ME or I WILL HOST. If anyone has a problem with this inform me before the game start and we can maybe work something out.
Players: 9
Map: Modified Loemendor
Age: Late
Independents: 7
Graphs: Enabled (unintentional)
Renaming: On
Magic Sites: 50%
Random Events: Common
Resources: Average
Research: Average
Hall of Fame: 10 slots
Victory: Standard
Nation Assignments: Fixed
Hosting: Every 24h
Mods: Worthy Heroes & Blessings Hotfix
Sheap's Rules of Diplomacy
Link to Worthy Heroes 1.6
Link to Blessings Hotfix (inside the black tome)
The map we will be playing is a modified version of Loemendor by Kaljamaha. The modification is done by me with kind permission from Kaljamaha. The reason is that I want us to play with fixed starting positions and nations. Hopefully it will be a interesting and thematic experience for everyone involved in this PBEM.
I tried to balance the map the best I could without it becoming uninteresting.
The nations I wish you to fill are:
* Pangaea (Ewierl)
* Ermor (WSzaboPeter)
* Man (JayThomas)
* Marignon (Darrel)
* Utg�rd (Valerius)
* R'lyeh (thraveboy)
* T'ien Ch'i (llamabeast - the host)
* C'tis (Dedas - the game master)
* Ulm (GameExtremist)
I will take the nation that is left (this means that the first 8 that answer will get to play).
Hosting will occur every 24h. This may change to 48h eventually.
Some tips to the players:
In my modification the terrain is now much important to the specific nations than in the vanilla version. Some examples:
*C'tis has both desert/waste (for its waste survival units) and swamp (for its swamp survival units) close by for added protection.
*Utg�rd quickly needs to gain some food for its troops as they start in snow (waste). This is very possible if the player examine the map closely for simple expansion ways.
*Marignon should take advantage of its sea faring capability as they start by the coast.
And a lot more that I will let you find out yourself.
No rules will change once the game has started.
Any suggestions before start of game are appreciated.