OK, I changed the header of this topic so I can add more correction suggestions to Finnish obat whitout starting another thread.
The MG's in Finnish OOB:
Ingame now the last MG for Finland is the WW2-era Maxim HMG, however there has also been in active service since 1966 the Light MG 62 (KK 62)
LINK . This weapon is reprecented ingame only as part of LMG squads attached to reserve troops formations and as secondary squad support LMG's, but it could also be made available as an MG for separate purchase in the Infantry menu. As it is now the last MG for Finland is the Maxim HMG which ends at 1995 and this seems abit strange to me.
Secondly the Soviet made
7.62mm PKM MG is now in active service and possibly completely replacing the Finnish made KK 62 LMG in the future. This is missing from the Finnish OOB and should be added in the MG gategory starting from January 2006 (does anyone know a more exact introduction date?).