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Old January 13th, 2007, 10:15 AM
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Default 10 most dangerous MP players in Dom3:Just for fun.

Hi everyone,

Just for a bit of fun, I thought I would compile a list of, in my view the 10 most dangerous players currently playing in my Dom3 MP games.

If enough players give me there top 10 or top 1, 3 whatever, I will update this every month or so with a league table of the top ten most dangerous MP in Dom3. Scoring will be kept very simple...10 pts for someone who you nominate as your no.1 danger...9pts no.2 etc...

My top 10 are:-

1) Jurri.
2) Frank Trollman.
3) Corwin.
4) Twan.
5) Tersawaerto.
6) Solo.
7) Folket.
8) Dr. Praetorius.
9) Baalz.
10) Tibbs.

This is based on the 10 MP's I have played in so far and my personal experiences in those games. I will update if it changes.

Please post your most dangerous MP lists.

Please note DOM3 ONLY, what you did in Dom2 or earlier no longer counts. Thus no quantum_mechani, as yet...

You cannot name yourself. Other players after nominate you. I am hoping to have a list of 10 players who you really, really do not want to start next too in MP games. It's of course kind of a top 10 best players as well...
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Old January 13th, 2007, 11:09 AM
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Default Re: 10 most dangerous MP players in Dom3:Just for

Wohoo! Top 10!

Here's my top 3 people I'll be keeping a close eye on next time I play a game with them:

1) Corwin
2) CatQuiet
3) Jurri
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Old January 13th, 2007, 11:10 AM

Folket Folket is offline
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Default Re: 10 most dangerous MP players in Dom3:Just for fun.

Well, thanks for leting me be on the list. But you have forgotten about yourself.
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Old January 13th, 2007, 11:17 AM
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Default Re: 10 most dangerous MP players in Dom3:Just for fun.

Folket said:
Well, thanks for leting me be on the list. But you have forgotten about yourself.
I forgot, no one is allowed to name themselves. You after be nominated by another player ie...considered a good/threatening/dangerous player.
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Old January 13th, 2007, 11:20 AM
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Default Re: 10 most dangerous MP players in Dom3:Just for fun.

Hard to say as no game is finished for me.

My list will probably include Solo, Frank Trollman, Jurri, Folket and you, not necessarily in this order (and I forget some players probably) ; as well as PDF, davidd and Alexandre from the francophone games I'm in.

But I think some of the Dom2 vets I've not encountered yet in a dom3 game ar at least as dangerous (as well as some experienced players like Cainehill, Kissblade or Reverend Zombie I've played with but who had very bad luck in these dom3 games or abandoned fast - hard to judge someone results when he plays the bugged C'Tis Miasma or start in a desertic region and near a nation becoming a boosted and agressive AI in turn 4-).

Personnally I was rather lucky in my games (except dawnstrike) and always had very good beginnings (I was the first or second power after 20 or so turns in 4 out of 5 games I'm in) but I don't think having a good starting positions and luck with surrounding indies is a matter of skill.
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Old January 13th, 2007, 11:55 AM
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Default Re: 10 most dangerous MP players in Dom3:Just for

Hah, didn't expect to see my name here.

The one's I've noticed to be particularly dangerous are
1. Jurri
2. Meglobob

Can't name any others yet.
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Old January 13th, 2007, 11:58 AM
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Default Re: 10 most dangerous MP players in Dom3:Just for fun.

Well, since Meglobob eliminated me (with extreme crushing) I'll certainly nominate him

Are we talking dangerous or likely to win? Because I'm ultra-aggressive, which certainly makes me a dangerous neighbor - but may not be the best route to victory.

I'm going to float a tournament proposal in another thread - lets see if we can make sure all ten of these people play
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Old January 13th, 2007, 02:38 PM
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Default MP Forum Grand Prix ranking

As it's the day of "most dangerous list", ladders and tournaments proposals. I launch my own little ranking system.

The "mp forum grand prix" ranking of winners will consider that particular settings/starting positions/special rules tend to balance themselves over time, and won't try to establish fair rules. I will simply consider the results of any game posted on these forums and make a weighted list of winners.

My system will be very simple and in the dominion spirit (there can be only one winner recieving points per game) :

rule 1 - open games recruiting their players on this forum and including more than two players will be counted, no matter what kind of special settings, mods of rules they use, as long as their system allow *one* winner (cooperative/teams games won't be counted), the only other restrictions are in rule 4

rule 2 (value) - each player has a value of 10 + 10% of his actual score, the value is the number of points another may win against him

rule 3 (score) - winning a game no matter the settings add the total value of all other starting players to the winner score

rule 4 (homologation) - to simplify my work only games hosted by someone including a list of the players in the first message of their thread will be counted (I won't search hidden players lists, and so will ignore games without a list in the first message) ; as well only game reported as finished in the title of the thread will be counted (I won't follow all games to see if there is a result)

rule 5 (actual games) - for the games already started I will count the number of players actually figuring in the first message of the thread (even if more have started), for the next games to start I'll use the number of players figuring in the list when the game start

Note that it will be a grand prix system not an ELO system, so the more you play and win against many players the more you have points, you lose nothing for defeats.

(edit : another finished).

The actual forum grand prix result is :
1. Meglobob (score 110)
2. Franck Trollman (61)
3. all others (score 0)

Finished :
- Research game (Meglobob winner)
- 6 players, 150 prov. (DrPraetorius) : (Frank Trollman winner)

The following games will be counted when reported as finished here :
- Mid Era Orania (DrPraetorious) : 10 players (90pts unless one of them win a game before the end of this one)
- Undertow Random Nations (Velusion) : 12 players (110)
- Jinxed Frechdrachs (Bluebird) : 14 players (130)
- Cradle of Dominion (upstreamedge) : 10 players (90 / 101)
- Dawgies Does Dominions (Pashadawg) : 15 players (140)
- Mid Era Game (DrPraetorious) : 9 players (80/91)
- MP Game Middle Age (Graeme Dice) : 15 players (140)
- Concept of Creation (Sheap) : 20 players (190)
- Dawnstrike (Pashadawg) : 18 players (170/181)
- Newbie Game 2 (WZaboPeter) : 12 players (110)
- New Pbem Game (johnarryn) : 15 players (140)
- New Game Early Era - Glory of The Gods (Manuk) : 19 players (180)
- Faerun MA Pbem (Hadrian II) : 18 players (170)
- Newbie Game EA (Ironhawk) : 20 players (190)
- Wrath of Opposing Fates (Pashadawg) : 12 players (110)
- Late Age Game, Random Map, Victory Points (Graeme Dice) : 15 players (140)
- MP Game, Early Era, Random Nations, Victory Points (Graeme Dice) : 16 players (150/161)

(Other started games may be counted too, if the host add a player list in the first message.)
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Old January 13th, 2007, 03:32 PM

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Default Re: MP Forum Grand Prix ranking

I have only played in 4 games so far here. One has been completed (see "Looking for an early age PBEM game"), but the other 3 have been going on for quite a while.

Even so, I have not made contact with all of the players in two of these games, so my list will mostly be based on the game statistics. In no particular order, the 10 players are:

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Old January 13th, 2007, 03:41 PM
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Default Re: MP Forum Grand Prix ranking

No Quantum_Mechani? IFIRC He has been one of the top MPers in the Dom3 beta tests.
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