I'm sure this has been discussed (and was supposed to be fixed), but I'm playing standard 1.13 and I get a black screen after Completing players turns every time. I force quit, load the autosave, and all is well until I end the next turn.
I�m getting the black screen also. I think Aaron removed the progress bar as I�ve heard it was causing some problems? Something long those lines. Anyway I have to wait for a while and others have reported having to wait too. This seems to be increasing the more turns I get into the game. Others have reported this same thing and the black screen can hang up there for some time. I would suggest waiting for a short spell before exiting the game and loading. How many turns into the game are you? I have run several years testing my mod and the pause is markedly increased from when I started.
President Elect Shang; Tal-Re Republic of Free Worlds
Welcome to Super Vegeta�s Big Bang Attack� Welcome to OBLIVION!
�Don Panoz made an awesome car and� an incinerator� Bill Auberlen
I will say that I can find the exact save game where it happens. I simply reload 1 before that and play on. This seems to hold the black screen off for many more turns.
Sadly, I have waited on the screen 20 mins. It's quicker to just quit and load the autosave.
I sometimes get a white screen. Last time It happened I ended SE5 and my virus detector imemdiately popped up asking to update, so I think SE5 can't handle another process opening over it. I don't know if it still had the problem of cutting everything off if you minimised the screen and then maximised again.
Sometimes the game seems to get stuck when generating turns. Last time it stuck on generating player13's turn. After the time before that I was told to let it go but I don't think it ever went on even after I waited, however I think it MIGHT have been because it complained it had no templates for a custom race. That might have been fixed when I copied them into the empires folder.
As far as I can tell the minimize/maximize issue has been fixed. At least I have not had any problems with it. If you�re on 2304.6 than you have run 46 turns and the hang up is caused by the AI. Since the last patch (1.13) the structure of combat has changed and now there is a retreat system. One AI retreats and the other AI will pursue it causing SE5 to run yet another combat round. Also combat has become effectively endless. For more on that read this thread:
Point is your not alone we are all having this problem and I am sure Aaron will have it fixed in the next patch. Which I hope he expedites!
President Elect Shang; Tal-Re Republic of Free Worlds
Welcome to Super Vegeta�s Big Bang Attack� Welcome to OBLIVION!
�Don Panoz made an awesome car and� an incinerator� Bill Auberlen