serg3d said:
I'd reinstalled 2.5/2.51 patches, but the icon still missing. What could have caused it ? Can I download corrupted or missing file somewhere ?
OK, did you install the V2 patch first ?? Not installing V2 could cause this.
Just for fun open up your WINSPMBT\Game Data\Graphics folder and let me know what the creation date is for Icon0058.SHP. It should be September 7, 2005, 2:01:40 PM and if your missing the Nemer you'll be missing other things as well.
Attached is the file you need zipped up. Unzip it and extract it into the folder I mentioned above. NOBODY else needs to install this into their game. However, if you cannot recall installing the V2 ugrade over the main game you really ( really, really... ) need to do that and THEN re-install the v2.5 and v2.51 patches becasue, as I recall ( it's been awhile.... ) that Icon was added to V2. If installing the 13mb V2 upgrade doesn't ring a bell then don't bother installing this shp file I've attached. You'll need to re-install everything.starting with the V2 upgrade