I've recently had to reinstall all the software on my laptop (fat table went corrupt... grrrr..). Anyway, I was having problems with SEIV (after a few turns it would just sit there and never come back). I tried reinstalling it and repatching back to 1.35 and now it locks up as soon as I try to run the game.
One thing I'm wondering, I haven't reinstalled DirectX, do you think that is the problem? I looked on the SEIV CD and it doesn't have any Version of DirectX on it so I figured it wasn't necessary and the default one on Win98 would be fine.
One thing, I have been trying to run the Modpack 1.72 if that would make any difference, but since it won't even run now, I'm doubtful if that's it. Other software on my laptop seems unnafected (although SEIV gets most of the time on it
So, is it my laptop or have other people experienced this? Thanks in advance.