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Old August 24th, 2006, 11:44 AM
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Default Bug Raport

During develop of my new mision for WinSPMBT I found something what looks like a game bug. In this mision game is not very long only 5/6 turns one side have a many units another side has only one sniper and three civilians. This mision is about ambush against last solider of polish AK underground and based on real story. So when you play on AK side and lost all units game not ends but in your turn the screen blinks looks like the game crash but this is not true you can't give orders for our units because all are killed but during blinks you can push next turn button and push again and after 5/6 turn you see a end game sumary. Is that normal? I think this problem should be in both games WinSPMBT and WinSPWW2 what game should do when totaly all soliders of one side are killed. In attachment is this mision. For check of this effect you moust killed all soliders of one side in firsts turns.
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File Type: zip 440056-Last AK Solider.zip (113.3 KB, 88 views)
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Old August 24th, 2006, 02:45 PM

VDS VDS is offline
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Default Re: Bug Raport

I just tried it out. The game doesn't crash, it just acts a little strange with the blinking and all, just like you said. I guess the AI is looking for a unit for you to use when they are all gone.
I've never seen this before, but then again I've never had all my units destroyed before! I would assume its normal, unless somebody says different.
My god, they must have wanted this AK guy pretty bad. Talk about being outnumbered!
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Old August 26th, 2006, 11:42 AM
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Default Re: Bug Raport

It is not a bug, since the game does not end immediately on taking all objectives, or in this case one side being wiped out.

It will do an "engagement check" on all the objectives for a few moves in order to allow last minute changes of v-hexes once the one side has all of these. If nothing changes for a few moves, it decides the game is over. This is especially true in the early game, where many possible turns remain.

So - the game is allowing a little time for the other side to take more v-hexes (exploit its position). Once the engagement checks determine no change for a few moves, it will determine game has ended as nobody is going to change the existing v-hex status.

I may take a look at the code and see if this behaviour can be bypassed (and the v-hexes all granted to the enemy) on a 100% wipe out, which is however a rare event given the game is is focussed on play with tens or even hundreds of units.

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