Re: Any feedback on Romulan or Klingon AI\'s?
Actually, there is something I noticed, perhaps this is simply a stylistic preference on your part, but both the Klingons and the Romulans do not seem to spend enough on tech after a certain point, their spending seems to lag others. This is especially evident in their choice of ship types. In my Last game they stuck with light cruisers long after everyone else was sporting battle cruisers or better. At one point I remember defeating 26 Romulan light cruisers with 6 battleships. I had numerous advantages over them, most notable were the fact that they were still using PD I and Ion Engine I. This gave them a trememdous disadvantage against batteships with Jocketed Ion engines + Solar Sail III (stellar harnessing is another tech which the AI seems to ignore) firing at them with level 5 seekers. I just restarted a new game using your latest AI (from the mod forum) and happily the Romulans and Klingons are in 1st and 2nd place respectively. They expand very agressively, very efficiently. I will let you know further into the game if they get stuck technologically.
Taken altogether, their efficient expansion and general aggressiveness makes them challenging and interesting to include in the game. The Romulans are one of the few races I have ever seen construct an armada (26 ships, even if obsolete at the time, gave me a scare!)
My game settings are "no neutrals, 20 hand picked races, AI set to hard and AI bonuses set to medium).
[This message has been edited by Magus38 (edited 07 April 2001).]
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