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Old October 21st, 2005, 11:04 AM
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Pyros Pyros is offline
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Default Branching a Campaign on Link scenario1


Here is a way to give a special flavor to your campaigns by using a special technique of branching the campaign by the use of campaign scenario No1.

In this scenario you will chose your core force and you will set the duration to 1 turn.

Then you will position all VP flags into two groups and you will instruct the player to chose one of the two in order to direct the scenario in a branch direction.

By calculating the points of the grouped VP you will be able to achieve in this kind of campaign a set of two levels of victory (in the project campaign we use a combination of Marginal victory - Decisive victory).

Then after the end of the 1-turn campaign scenario you will direct (in the campaign editor) one path for the "loss to marginal" level of victory and another path for the "Decisive" level of victory.

With this technique you may achieve different kinds of tactical aspects for your campaign.

Here is a picture of the "1-turn" selection branch that we use in the Vietnam project:

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File Type: jpg 388996-BranchCampaign.JPG (177.8 KB, 142 views)
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Old October 23rd, 2005, 12:15 AM

WBWilder WBWilder is offline
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Default Re: Branching a Campaign on Link scenario1

Interesting. We've already been doing the same thing in the Caribbean Crisis but with a different twise. Here you get to choose between two campaigns so you can play the campaign twice.

I don't know how to make a JPG file show here so I'll include it as an attachment.

I did the same thing last year with the Mega Campaign on the 101st. In fact one could choose from four separate campaigns on the first turn in that one.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg 389236-Choices.jpg (34.5 KB, 132 views)

Wild Bill Wilder
Independent Game Consultant
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