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Old August 19th, 2005, 10:36 AM
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Default virtual robbery?


A man has been arrested in Japan on suspicion carrying out a virtual mugging spree by using software "bots" to beat up and rob characters in the online computer game Lineage II. The stolen virtual possessions were then exchanged for real cash.

This gets 3 I-told-you-so's from me.

1) Ive said that "virtual" means almost as good as. And Virtual Reality pretty much ensures that anything which exists in reality, you can pretty much bet will exist in virtual reality.

2) Ive also said that comments like "no big deal" or "they cant really do anything about it" or "they cant catch me" should always be said with a "yet" tacked onto the end of it.

3) AND Ive always said that if we dont police ourselves then you can bet that the real world will eventually step in and do it for us.

Gandalf Parker
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Old August 19th, 2005, 11:05 AM
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Default Re: virtual robbery?

If he hadn't sold it for hard cash I suspect nothing would have happened. As it is this could be tricky and set a fairly interesting precedent. If your computer crashes and so you lose several hours worth of progress, could you sue Microsoft for loss of earnings?
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Old August 20th, 2005, 09:27 PM
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Default Re: virtual robbery?

His crime was selling in game items for real money which is a violation of the EULA for Lineage II. Using the bots might also be a violation but I am not sure.
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 03:49 AM
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Default Re: virtual robbery?

These people who monitor online games must be really good. It must be difficult to spot the bots and track the guy down who's using them.
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Old August 28th, 2005, 07:15 PM
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Default Re: virtual robbery?

Without getting into the specifics of Lineage II, in a game where players can rob each other, and deploy bots, as part of the game, and also are allowed to sell virtual items, this is a feature and not a crime, except in the game world. In theory, then, it seems like what may be the most unreasonable thing would be a game company trying to prevent certain activities by non-game means. If they don't want this sort of behavior, the natural and perhaps most appropriate way to accomplish that would be to design or implememnt the game differently.

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Old August 28th, 2005, 07:55 PM
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Default Re: virtual robbery?

OMG! Can you see the tort litigation cases now?
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Old August 28th, 2005, 08:10 PM
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Default Re: virtual robbery?

There might be some jurisdiction issues....
Of course, by the time I finish this post, it will already be obsolete. C'est la vie.
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Old August 29th, 2005, 12:30 AM
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Default Re: virtual robbery?

If they can do it in Japan, how long do you think it will take a leech trial lawyer from the US to try it? Hell if they can sue fast food for making people fat through food addiction, then why not Sony for making addictive video games? Hell why not Microsoft for inventing an operating system that is as flawed as a cigerrette in that it kills your data every chance it gets? Your data being part of you, a vital part in most cases, lost because of a windows error or virus that MS could have prevented had they invested more time on safety than on fluff?

I can see the day now when players of EverQuest are suing each other over truma cased by the death of their ulter on line ego's at the hands of the defendant. OMFG that would just be the beginning as Quake players start suing each other over who claimed the flag first and the legality of spawn point camping.

Whe will it end? When each game comes with a hundred page legal document that you must sign before buying the game exsolving (sp) the game creators, publishers, and players of lawsuites resulting from game play?

I wouldn't be surprise to get suied one day from some disgruntled ex-PBW player who's empire I had conqured during a game back in 2001. The lawsuite will read "Caused the Platiniff irrepitable interpersonal relationship problems as a direct result of having defeated his mighty empire through the use of tactical sun destroying weapons. An empire that the plantiff spent a year culitvating and building. We seek damages in the sum of $100,000.00 for lost time invested in this PBW game, and for personal and emotional damages as a result of having to surrender to the defended."

It will happen!
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 04:24 PM
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Default Re: virtual robbery?

Don't be so modest! 100k$. Pah! Add some zeros!
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