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Old July 31st, 2005, 03:22 PM
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Default CORE FORCE composition and conditions


After several POLLs the CORE FORCE for the whole campaign has been decided.

We are going to use as a core force, the foot element of an "under-strength" Air Cavalry Company.
All the Air assets of this AirCav Coy will be available as Aux/Fix units at the discretion of the SD (Scenario Designer)and the special conditions of the mission.
As "Air Assets" there will be included the Gunship Helos, the Scout Helos and the AirLift Huey Helos.

Here are the FIXED CORE FORCE index and the AUX/FIX FORCE Air Elements of the AirCav:

1. 1x HQ
2. 2x AirCAv Platoon(M) (6x) 12 units
3. 4x Patrol (3x) 12 units
4. 4x Mg section (1x) 4 units
5. 2x Snipers (1x) 2 units
6. 2x Pioneer platoon (2x)(bunker-busting unit) 4 units
7. 2x Forward Obs (1x)(one for each platoon) 2 units
8. 2x Mortar spt 81mm (2x) 4 units

AUX/FIX Air Assets of AirCav Coy (22 units) these units will remain as Aux and the SD (scenario designer) may use them at his discretion.
9. 2x AirCav Spt (6 UH-1B Gunships)
10. 2x Scout Helos sec (4 OH-13 Scout)
11. 2x AirCav Lift (10 UH-1D Huey)
12. 1x Hvy Helos sec (2 CH-47 Chinook)

Also in every chapter of each ToO the player will be able to use the pre-selected Support Elements that he will receive from the [/b]"Multiple Choices Support Assets"[/b] technique.
In addition the SD (scenario designer) may include as AUx/FIX units any additional units that he thinks appropriate for the needs of his scenario.

From now on, anyone may start working on the tactical analysis/synthesis of any chapter (don't forget each Chapter include 2 missions: one primary and one secondary mission; also read the post for the ToOs in the appropriate thread).
As a side note it might be better if the designers announce in advance the Chapters that they are interested to work with and if they wait for the finalization of map prototypes before they create their mission map.
We will keep an archive/catalogue of the work in progress.

Finally, I would like to tell you some figures for the campaign:
1. The player will play approximately 56 missions (23 Chapters) in total (this include all secondaries and primaries missions that the SD will design).
2. Due to the Adjustable Difficulty process the CLONES of the Primary and Secondary missions will reach the number of approximately 165 Cloned missions.
3. Due to the "Multiple Choices Support Assets" technique the above number will be doubled (2 choices per ToO); reaching a number of 330 missions.
4. Don't worry... the additional work for the CLONED missions is very little!
5. The size of the campaign file may reach 85Mb !!!!

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Old July 31st, 2005, 03:32 PM
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Default Re: CORE FORCE composition and conditions

Btw, I wish to thank you all for the outstanding effort to determine the Core Force of our campaign.

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Old July 31st, 2005, 03:44 PM
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Default Re: CORE FORCE composition and conditions

The core force seems very good!

I still don't understand how the maps will be created... I have nearly finished a second map for the operation happy valley but now that I read this fact of the standardization of map and the fact to wait for the prototyps make me confused...


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Old July 31st, 2005, 04:05 PM
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Default Re: CORE FORCE composition and conditions


If 4 different designers do 4 different Chapters on the same ToO, and these Chapters have very different maps between them (from the designer's perspective, then this may be "a minus" for the whole effort.
A prototype may include general directions for the map designers in order to keep a minimum homogeneity to all related maps.
But you may continue with your map designing; just keep in mind that maybe in a later stage you might do a small "lifting" (by editing) to some small details of your map.

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Old July 31st, 2005, 04:33 PM
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Default Re: CORE FORCE composition and conditions

OOOOOOOHH now is clear! I don't have any problem to edit my maps! In fact I already did that! and will surely do again when necessary! This is a team work!

Geia sou!


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Old August 1st, 2005, 12:50 AM
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Default Re: CORE FORCE composition and conditions

Pyros said:
If 4 different designers do 4 different Chapters on the same ToO, and these Chapters have very different maps between them (from the designer's perspective, then this may be "a minus" for the whole effort.
I agree. The map sets the overall visual of the campaign and most players will notice any differences in map designs from scenario to scenario (or designer to designer).

What might be best is to design 200x160 Maps THEN we can crop out the sections needed for scenario's in a ToO. This way they will all have the same look and feel.
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Old August 1st, 2005, 03:01 AM
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Default Re: CORE FORCE composition and conditions

This sounds interesting!
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Old August 1st, 2005, 08:12 AM
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Default Re: CORE FORCE composition and conditions

Pyros said:
If 4 different designers do 4 different Chapters on the same ToO, and these Chapters have very different maps between them...
I think this will be true for the entire scenario not just the map, different people have different style...., but I don't really see it as possible minus. Variation keeps interest alive IMHO.

Also, what is the most pressing need on the map making front at this time?
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Old August 1st, 2005, 09:22 AM
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Default Re: CORE FORCE composition and conditions

It might be better if we all focus on the task of creating small map prototypes/elements, in order to make discussions concerning the map designing options.

I think that these prototypes will help everyone's creativity on the map designing project.

I guess, that people will probably start to design scenarios concerning ToO No1, so the best type of map prototype would be anything related to the location of ToO No1.
Also the creation of a friendly base, a friendly Fire-base and a couple of NVA bases, forts and ammo caches could be useful!

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