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Old June 28th, 2005, 10:18 PM

narwan narwan is offline
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Default obat81: Mozambique

Unit 485, RENAMO RPG tm, has 50 rpg-7 rounds. Seems a bit much for a 2-man team. The rounds seem to be useless too as they are AP rounds and the AP penetration for them is 0.

The OBAT doesn't 'kick in' until 9/74 but a lot of units (including the FRELIMO troops) are available (according to the OOB editor) much earlier on. The earliest units are available from 1/46 onwards and the FRELIMO starts in '64. Why is that if they can't be accessed? Is it for future scenario design? Why not have the FRELIMO available as 'Mozambique' forces from '64 on?

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Old June 29th, 2005, 01:36 AM
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troopie troopie is offline
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Default Re: obat81: Mozambique

They were put there in the DOS version. In the Dos version you can select a country and go back to the before it's official availability date to buy them. That was changed in WinSpmbt, I don't know why. You'll have to ask Andy or Don.

The armed uprising against Portugal began in 1964 in Mozambique in 1964. The first risings against Portugal in Guinee and Angola began in 1961. I will be bringing out a version of the Red orbat that contains Frelimo, Unita, Fnla, Zanla, Paigc, Simba, and Zipra units. (Thanx to Andy for beginning it.)

Pamwe Chete
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