I finally managed to test my AI troop building algorithm in a test game through to turn 18. I chose this turn as a preliminary goal, as I have a second game where I handed the very same setup to the AI in turn 1:
Fire 4, Earth 4
Order 3, prod 2, Heat 2, Growth 1, Magic 1
Fort. City
Choosing Machaka had the added advantage, that I don't have a clue how to play them, so pretending to be a dumb AI that follows it's script wasn't all that hard. (Learned something about Machaka in the process, I hope)
Game Setup
Map Aran
7 Difficult AI
(Abysia, Pythium, C'tis, Pangaea,
Vanheim, Jotunheim, R'leyh)
Start. prov. 1
Indies 7
Special Site 40
Richness normal
Random common
HoF 15
Magic Research difficult
additional "rules"
- will move out the Pretender as soons as he yields less than 50% of the research.
- will send group of mages for sitesearching (one per path), if they yield less than 50% of research, but not before I see the AI searching for sites
- Army commanders will seach if army waits 1 turn for
- will not hire mercs unless more than 50% of them a hired by the AI
- expansion towards enemy dominion/capital to cut of enemy expansion (as the AI commonly does)
- Tax will be set to (100-RoundUp(Unrest*2))%
TURN 1 #####################################
Pop 29910:Ress95:Gold400
Scorpionking researches (11pts)
Research set to Enchantment (Fire Shield, Skeleton)
Army set to patrol
Tax set to 130%
Voice of the Lord (1a) - Priest3 - will become prophet next
3 spider knights (1h)
10 Machakan Archers (5a)