Could someone please explain what each potion does? I am left guessing as to what each potion alters unless they all change the same thing but in various degrees. Thanks.
Each potion alters all the physical stats (NOT Intangibles) by a random percentage, in the range stated next to each potion. With stronger potions of course comes a higher chance of side effects, either immediately or down the road (the "danger" rating gives you an idea how dangerous the potion may be; the higher the more dangerous). The help screen on the potion pop-up does cover a lot of this.
Ok that makes perfect sense. I must have missed that in the help file and thought that a certain potion would help a particular stat more so than another potion. All this time and all I needed to do was re-read the help file. Actually, I had figured that your explanation would be the case but I just wanted to verify for certain. Thanks.
Does the help file discuss injuries and diseases because I might have missed that as well. I�ll check it out for myself soon enough but in the meantime, are there varying affects to each of the different injury or disease types?
Actually the help does not go into injuries or diseases in detail, and this is one of the more detailed injury and disease models around in this type of game anywhere.
Injuries are many and varied (over 200 different ones) and each has a different scale of possible severity and duration. Diseases (over 270 different ones) are many and varied too, with different possible incubation, severity and duration ranges.
The primary difference is diseases can sometimes permanently affect stats in a negative way after they go away, depending on the disorder (the "scars left behind", so to speak).