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Old July 30th, 2004, 12:40 AM
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Default odds of random events : constant or dependent on amount ? (temple kill event etc. )

how are the odds for random events distributed ?
lets say you take luck 0 .
some events have conditions/requirements to fire like the temple kill events .

so does dominions simply check if the requirements are fulfilled and move all events where they are into 2 pools one for bad and one for good events ?
then when a random event has to be chosen first at luck 0 with 50% probability either a good or bad event is chosen .
then dominions just choses one random event out of the good / bad random event pools .

do there all events have the same chance of being chosen of 1/number possible events in pool ?
or do the chances for a temple kill event increase the more temples you have ?

furthermore are there additional event triggers like you may get no +1000 gold event in the first 10 game turns ?

furthermore , inspired by an old statement of norfleet :
no more random events than 3 / turn can happen .
doom horrors create bad events though .
norfleet said he once got 8 bad random events from doom horrors in one single province .

are there special rules for doom horror events or are they the same as for every event from the bad events pool ?
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Old July 30th, 2004, 02:23 AM
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Default Re: odds of random events : constant or dependent on amount ? (temple kill event etc. )

Originally posted by Boron:
how are the odds for random events distributed ?
lets say you take luck 0 .
some events have conditions/requirements to fire like the temple kill events .

so does dominions simply check if the requirements are fulfilled and move all events where they are into 2 pools one for bad and one for good events ?
then when a random event has to be chosen first at luck 0 with 50% probability either a good or bad event is chosen .
then dominions just choses one random event out of the good / bad random event pools .

do there all events have the same chance of being chosen of 1/number possible events in pool ?
or do the chances for a temple kill event increase the more temples you have ?

furthermore are there additional event triggers like you may get no +1000 gold event in the first 10 game turns ?

furthermore , inspired by an old statement of norfleet :
no more random events than 3 / turn can happen .
doom horrors create bad events though .
norfleet said he once got 8 bad random events from doom horrors in one single province .

are there special rules for doom horror events or are they the same as for every event from the bad events pool ?
There is a complete list of all possible events somewhere out there, together with thier requirements. You may try searching for it in the forum or on the net if you are interested in some particular events.

As for the probabilities, the chance of events is evaluated on province by province basis. That means that your scale only directly corelates with probability of events if you have the same "luck" scale in all your provinces and they have positive dominion.

The other side of this coin is that if let's say - you have Misfortune 3, and strong dominion with temples on your border, than your neigbors will suffer necause of *your* bad luck. I especially like wathing water provinces near my shores controled by my neigbors (while I have Misfortune 3 and pushing it into the ocean with my land temples), being plagued by nasty events turn after turn, like rampaging Sea Kings with dozen of mean sea Trolls tearing everything apart.
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Old July 30th, 2004, 03:50 AM

Sheap Sheap is offline
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Default Re: odds of random events : constant or dependent on amount ? (temple kill event etc. )

How sure are you?

I've been under the impression (based on forum postings) that the frequency and quality of random events was totally dependent on the order/luck scales in your home province only.
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Old July 30th, 2004, 05:51 AM
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Default Re: odds of random events : constant or dependent on amount ? (temple kill event etc. )

Originally posted by Sheap:
How sure are you?

I've been under the impression (based on forum postings) that the frequency and quality of random events was totally dependent on the order/luck scales in your home province only.
No, no, no, no, no. Frequency and quality of random events is determined by local luck scale.

This is one reason why Strange Opening for example is not such a very good magic site to find despite the 2 Astral gems per turn, becauses it causes +3 Misfortune in province, so you will have Misfortune to some degree unless your dominion is Luck +3 in which case they cancel out. Totem Poles on the other hand does just the opposite, it increases Luck in the province.

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Old July 30th, 2004, 09:27 AM
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Default Re: odds of random events : constant or dependent on amount ? (temple kill event etc. )

Originally posted by Sheap:
How sure are you?

I've been under the impression (based on forum postings) that the frequency and quality of random events was totally dependent on the order/luck scales in your home province only.
I am pretty sure Sheap. IIRC devs have posted such info, in some old thread where they were discussing luck effects. It also corelates with my pwn observations.

[ July 30, 2004, 08:29: Message edited by: Stormbinder ]
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Old July 30th, 2004, 10:03 AM

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Default Re: odds of random events : constant or dependent on amount ? (temple kill event etc. )


Well, OK then. I certainly like this much better as it makes Misfortune hostile dominion like any other (although somewhat less severe since even with misfortune, maybe still nothing will happen).
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