Okay.... are undead whordes unstoppable?
I am playing the demo and after several pathetic failures(as I learn to play and enjoy myself)....
I am playing the lizard guys c'isht(sp?) I dont remember how to spell em offhand.....
My undead hordes are...... completley rolling over EVERYTHING they come across. Every time I conquer a new province I plop down a city with my mundane troops(a relativley small number), every second provence I crank out costliest lizard priest/necromancer(I forgot its name... sorry heh still new), in a few turns he can crank out EIGHTY TO NINTEY ghouls.... with such utterly MASSIVE numbers I can take enormeous casualties and still win every battle because they cost me nothing but a little time to make.
Throw my utterly MASSIVE ghoul hordes to the front and flank them with my small number of conventional troops(which are costlier melee ones and all VERY experienced at this point.... none of them have ever died, ghouls taking all the hits) who take out their mages and commanders.... all the while my priest-mages are tossing out the necromancy spells.... commanders die, they flee, ghoul hordes run and chop them as my elite troops also slice up the enemy as they run.....
Is there an effective way to stop this? Enemey priests dont seem very effective when you have upwards of 250 ghouls in a battle... calvalry are also ineffective, just cant stop the numbers and you can effectivley re-coup ANY losses within two turns....