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Old March 25th, 2004, 07:57 PM

Tough Guy Tough Guy is offline
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Default Can you get the best random events w/o Luck +3?

My bad events are as bad as anyone's but my good ones are usually pretty light.

I get a few gems(never many) and I once got 200 gold.

I did a search and people w/ luck+3 seem to get the best luck events(1000 gold, magic items, etc).

Has this been confirmed??

[ March 25, 2004, 18:04: Message edited by: Tough Guy ]
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Old March 25th, 2004, 08:16 PM
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Default Re: Can you get the best random events w/o Luck +3?

Luck is needed for some events, like the 1500 gold & magic items one.
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Old March 25th, 2004, 08:17 PM

Peter Ebbesen Peter Ebbesen is offline
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Default Re: Can you get the best random events w/o Luck +3?

Some good random events are only possible at +3 luck. This is confirmed.
When I said Death before Dishonour, I meant alphabetically.
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Old March 25th, 2004, 11:14 PM

DarkTears DarkTears is offline
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Default Re: Can you get the best random events w/o Luck +3?

I allways take Turmoil 3, and Luck 3.
This cost 0 design points, and you got a huge advantage. (More frequent and better random events.) In a multi game I'm only in 15th or something like that turn, and got a total of 1900 gold from random events. (Once 1000, once 500, once 200 gold, and two times 100 gold. And since I got magic 3, in every single turn I get some gems/pearls, so I got something to trade. (Means more money.)
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Old March 26th, 2004, 07:46 AM

The_Duke The_Duke is offline
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Default Re: Can you get the best random events w/o Luck +3?


I really love random events, especially positive ones

BUT, I have played several games with +3 Turmoil +3 Luck and other with +3 Order, and I just cant make up my mind what is better, monetary wise.

Does the positive events really make up for the �21% in income? (I know it is not exactly 21%, it depends on a lot of things). Yeah, the +1500 pesos every now ant then is great, but a loss of income for every province you own every turn.

Secondly, does the +3 magic give you gems? Isn�t the gems just a positive event, nothing to do with your magic setting?
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Old March 26th, 2004, 08:23 AM

Peter Ebbesen Peter Ebbesen is offline
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Default Re: Can you get the best random events w/o Luck +3?

Originally posted by The_Duke:

BUT, I have played several games with +3 Turmoil +3 Luck and other with +3 Order, and I just cant make up my mind what is better, monetary wise.

Does the positive events really make up for the �21% in income? (I know it is not exactly 21%, it depends on a lot of things). Yeah, the +1500 pesos every now ant then is great, but a loss of income for every province you own every turn.
The income difference is much, much, more than 21%. At +3 order you get +21% at -3 you get -21% for a span of 42%.

Assuming for a moment growth=0, production=0, the relative income factor between a +3 nation competing with a -3 nation is (1+.21)/(1-.21)~1.53, i.e. the +3 nation is earning, on a daily basis, 53% more than the -3 nation. This is the factor you will notice in the income-graph in the ledger.

Now, how does that compare with the extra income from luck? Well, for 42% of base income to exceed 1500g requires the base income to total 3571g. In other words, if your base income is, say, 500g, then you need a 1500g gift at least every 3571/500 ~7 days for the gifts to be worth more.

This is, of course, voodoo mathematics

I have not taken into account that +3 order costs 120 points while -3 order, +3 luck costs 0. Nor have I taken lesser gifts into account. Yet, even so, you can see that if gold is your yardstick then you need to earn a LOT of money from random events (by direct gold or gem events) in order for luck to be more profitable economically.

Going with the same 42% span as before and with the base income being the income at 0 order:

Daily base income 300g. Average daily luck-income needed 126g
Daily base income 500g. Average daily luck-income needed 210g
Daily base income 700g. Average daily luck-income needed 294g
Daily base income 1000g. Average daily luck-income needed 420g
Daily base income 1500g. Average daily luck-income needed 630g

Do YOU earn that kind of money on average from luck events - even if you alchemize all the gems? I sure do not.

[And remember, while you get a maximum of 3 random events per turn, your order/turmoil scale affects the income of each and every province]

You save on nation points and you get all sorts of interesting events, many good and many bad, and you gain an exceptional amount of gems if you also have a +3 magic environment, and you gain an occasional windfall of money but do not, for one single instance, believe that it pays off in the gold economy to go turmoil 3, luck 3.

It does not.

Go turmoil 3, luck 3 should probably be reserved for maenad-Pangaea, AE/SG Ermor, and Michtlan.

[Waiting for counterexamples ]
When I said Death before Dishonour, I meant alphabetically.
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