Re: is there a list with all start gem income ?
Arcosephale - Gem Income = 4 Astral, 1 Nature.
Abysia Base - Gem Income = 5 Fire
Abysia (BoH) - Gem Income = 4 Fire
Atlantis - Gem Income = 5 Water
Pythium Base - Gem Income = 5 Astral, 2 Air, 1 Water
Pythium (SC) - Gem Income = 3 Nature, 2 Water
Man Base - Gem Income = 2 Air, 3 Nature.
Man (LotT) � Gem Income = 3 Air, 2 Nature.
Ulm Base and (IF) � Gem Income = 5 Earth.
Ulm (BF) � Gem Income = 1 Nature, 1 Astral, 3 Death.
C'tis Base - Gem Income = 3 Death, 2 Nature.
C�tis (Miasma) � Gem Income = 1 Water, 2 Death, 2 Nature.
C'tis (DT) Gem Income = 4 Death, 1 Fire.
Caelum Base - Gem Income = 3 Air, 2 Water
Caelum (RoR) � Gem Income = 2 Air, 1 Water, 1 Death, 1 Earth.
Ermor Base - Gem Income = 4 Death, 1 Astral.
Ermor (AE, SG) - Gem Income = 10 Death.
Mictlan - Gem Income = 1 Fire, 1 Astral, 1 Water, 1 Nature, 3 Blood Slave
Machaka - Gem Income = 1 Fire, 2 Nature, 2 Earth
Marignon Base and (FoF, DF) � 4 Fire, 1 Astral.
Marignon (CotS) � Gem Income = 1 Fire, 2 Air, 2 Astral.
Pangaea (ALL) - Gem Income = 5 Nature.
R'lyeh - Gem Income = 2 Water, 3 Astral
Vanheim Base - Gem Income = 2 Air, 3 Earth.
Vanheim (Mid) � Gem Income = 4 Air, 1 Earth.
Vanheim (Hel) � Gem Income = 2 Air, 3 Death.
Jotunheim Base - Gem Income = 1 Astral, 2 Death, 2 Nature.
Jotunheim (Niefel) � Gem Income = 2 Death, 3 Water.
Jotunheim (Ut) � Gem Income = 3 Astral, 1 Death, 1 Nature.
T'ien Ch'i - Gem Income = 2 Air, 2 Astral, 1 Earth
T�ien Ch�I (S&A) � Gem Income = 2 Water, 2 Astral, 1 Death, 1 Fire.
T�ien Ch�I (BK) - . Gem Income = 2 Air, 2 Astral, 1 Death.
[ February 08, 2004, 09:21: Message edited by: Zen ]