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Old January 16th, 2004, 05:50 AM

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Default Petition for the Marginon CoTS Theme

I'd like to Petition for the next patch the Starting spell for Conquerors of the Sea (Marginon Theme) be changed to something either usable by their base mages or at least thematic.

If you're taking suggestions, I might suggest to fit thematically for those studying the starts and navigaton:

Wind Guide
Light of the Northern Star

There are more appropriate ones I think in the Water sphere, but they can't be cast by any of the national mages (something I feel should be a starting spell).

Or better yet, you make a new spell for them so it doesn't change any ingame balance.
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Old January 16th, 2004, 06:04 AM

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Default Re: Petition for the Marginon CoTS Theme

I'll add, (in case IW Forgot with all the other requests) the petition to change

Vanheim (Midgard) Theme. They currently have as their starting spell: Ghost Wolves (3A) again, with no way to cast it in the beginning. Perhaps a modified Version (that does the same thing, but with a lower casting cost) could be added to Midgard if the wolves spell is wanted.

T'ien Ch'i (Base and Barbarian Kings) Theme. Celestial Soldiers, Celstial Servant and Flight (2A) require more what is initially availiable to TC. Perhaps an adjustment could be made either to the base mage (Celstial Master) or the spel requirements. The 1 Random is rough because it's not a Random Elemental, it's a Random All so you have 1 in 8 chance of getting 1 Air or 1 Earth to cast your national specific spell.

[ January 16, 2004, 04:30: Message edited by: Zen ]
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Old January 16th, 2004, 07:53 AM
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Default Re: Petition for the Marginon CoTS Theme

CotS - Good point.
Midg�rd - discussed earlier. Phantasmal warrior is probably better.
T'ien Ch'i - intentional as the celestials are quite powerful. Might be confusing for newbs though.
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Old January 16th, 2004, 08:08 AM

HJ HJ is offline
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Default Re: Petition for the Marginon CoTS Theme

Originally posted by Kristoffer O:

T'ien Ch'i - intentional as the celestials are quite powerful. Might be confusing for newbs though.
If the intention was to limit access to them, isn't the access already very limited by the cost vs. initial gem income, them costing 20 air while the home province income is only 2 air? Even the celestial servant is available only after 4 turns. Air sites are also not that common (at least from what I've noticed), and you surely won't waste any gems on Auspex to search for them while you're waiting to summon celestials in the beginning. I don't know whether the intention was to do a double limitation (both high cost vs. initial income and waiting for the random), but it is something to consider if it was not.

[ January 16, 2004, 06:10: Message edited by: HJ ]
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Old January 16th, 2004, 08:47 AM

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Default Re: Petition for the Marginon CoTS Theme

Any thoughts on Ulm BF, Kristoffer? Instead of a vampire count, a summon 1x vampire would be less abusable.
Currently playing: Dominions III, Civilization IV, Ageod American Civil War.
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Old January 16th, 2004, 09:24 AM
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Default Re: Petition for the Marginon CoTS Theme

Originally posted by Pocus:
Any thoughts on Ulm BF, Kristoffer? Instead of a vampire count, a summon 1x vampire would be less abusable.
Vampire counts are sooo cool. The thralls, and so forth... I love it! However, yes, may be a tad overpowered. But vampires would be too weak - I think maybe Vampire Barons, a notch down from Vampire Counts, could be a good start spell. The fact that you have to design your pretender around the start spell or not use it at all is quite important, so it better be good enough to shape your pretender.

...If Vampire Barons had less HP (by 25%), less MR, attack, defense, and strength (by 2 each), less magic, (say, 2 blood) and needed less magic to summon (3 blood, no death) but still cost, say, 36 bloodslaves... and in exchange generated thralls at double the rate (still quite slow)... they would be way less abusable as supercombattants, but still very fun and thematic.

That's what I would do=)


P.S. Wait - that would make them wimps=) Maybe just reduce mr, and str by 1 each, and HP by 25%. They aren't THAT strong!

[ January 16, 2004, 07:30: Message edited by: Saber Cherry ]
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