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Old February 15th, 2004, 09:25 PM
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Patrick Proctor Patrick Proctor is offline
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Default Terrain Breaching


We are hard at work on Raging Tiger and the v 1.04 patch, but we have come to a decision point where we would like a little user input.

We have fixed terrain breaching (which is currently broke in ATF, but not really a factor in any of the stock scenarios). We plan on including this fix in both RT and v 1.04. Here is the issue.

Right now, in ATF, saved games do not save terrain breaches. We can fix this, but it will break all of your current saved games. Here are the options:

1. Add saving of terrain breaches to v 1.04
Upsides: a) If scenarios are created that incorporate terrain breaching, these breaches will be saved when you save the game.
b) your saved games (saved under v 1.04) will be compatible with and loadable in Raging Tiger.
Downside: All of your current saved games will not run on v 1.04.

2. Do not add terrain breach saving to v 1.04 of ATF
Upside: Your saved games will not break with v 1.04 of ATF
Downside: In any scenarios that incorporate terrain breaching in the future, if you save after breaching terrain, your breaches will be lost when you restart the scenario later.
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