quote:Originally posted by General Hawkwing: It would also be nice to sort plantes by the number of facilities. First by total capacity and then by total built.
This is available. Just click on the appropriate header over the column. Most of the categories that are PRESENT in the displays can be clicked on to make it sort by that column.
Wingte, I have tried clicking the column headers, both left and right and it will not resort the planet list. I remember being able to do this in SE3. Maybe it is not working inn the demo?
What screen are you on? I can click on the column titles ('name' or 'atmosphere' or 'value' or whatever) in any of the planet or colony list screens and it will re-sort by that column. Even the ship list will re-sort if you click on the names over the columns. The Construction queues list does not resort, unfortunately. Are you sure you're not in the construction queues list? I don't know why they would disable such a simple feature in the demo.
[This message has been edited by Baron Munchausen (edited 18 September 2000).]