If at all possibable, could MM please add a feature to the game that alows the TURNS to process automatically after a set amount of time in SINGLE PLAYER mode. Let the player determine the time that they would like the turn to process at. I.E. 1 minute, 2 minutes, etc.
ORBITAL RESEARCH FACILITIES. Please consider designing a component that can be placed onto StarBase (2000kt weight) that would add a bonus to research within a system.
A feature that would display the type and amount of ships an enemy fleet has so that the player can determine if they WISH to engage the enemy. (In other words, when it says "Enemy ships in that sector. Do you wish to enter" Have a feature that allows the player to see how many and of what type of ship the enemy has in that sector so they can determine if its prudent to enter.)
I have not found this feature in the game, but if it exsisits, please forgive me.
I would like a SCRAP ALL FACILITIES OF THIS TYPE feature. So that when your research reaches a certain point, and you no longer need "X" building on your planets, you can scrap them all at the same time. (For example. When I max out on research, that is I have researched everything, I would like the ability to scrap ALL research facilities throught my empire on all of my planets at the sametime.)
The reverse would be, BUILD THIS FACILITY on every planet feature. In other words, you have a ton of non breathable atmospheres, and you want to start converting them one that your people can breath, you simply use this feature to mass build Atmospheric converts on all planets that you inhabit that are not your type. (Provided you have an open building space available)
Add a few things to the RANDOM events. Such as PIRATES, and ROUGE FACTIONS. Say you have a system that does not have any ships in it. To me, if I was a pirate or a rouge, that system would become ripe for the plucking.
A way, if at all possible, to set the TECH level of EACH empire at the set up screen. So if you want a few AI players to be advanced tech, and you beginning tech, you can set the game up that way.
More Single Planet Neutral players. I would love to enter a system, and fine that at least one planet has life on it. Now expand that to say 20% of the game galaxy having one or more planets with neutrals on them. You can establish trade, peace packs, conqure them, or just leave them alone. Right now, the neutral players are few and far between, and in a galaxy with 250 systems, it would be nice to have a ton of neutral AI races. (ONE planet up to ONE system)
These are just some of the features I would love to see added to up coming patches. Thanks for your time.
"We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats! They invade our space and we fall back -- they assimilate entire worlds and we fall back! Not again! The line must be drawn here -- this far, no further! And I will make them pay for what they've done!" -- Patric Stewart as Captain Picard
UCP/TCO Ship Yards
[This message has been edited by Atrocities (edited 14 January 2001).]