The Cop went back and talked to them and they all said that they were asleep. However the care that I described was listed as stolen so its going to be impounded. Since it was not on their property they can deny knowning anything about who was driving it.
Oh loddy whoopi de F'in doo.
I guess I get to keep the gas can and hose those, the COP did not take them.
I wish it was legal to shoot people like that, you know like you buy a tag and when you catch them stealing from you, boom - tage and bag. But alas it is not, and the law is unwilling to do anything about them until someone hurts them and then that person is going to jail and the low life trailer trash druggies get to sue you.
I tell you it is simply not right.
(The officer told me that if I would have attempted to detain the individual I cought, I could have been arrested for assualt. WTF kind of FU criminal system do we now live under???
WTF is the world coming too when a low life druggy has more GD rights than someone like me? Oh I get it, its because they are a low life druggy, they are a minority and thus are protected or something. Like the spotted owl.
Unless the COPS catch them or I can prove who it was, I am SOL.
[ June 17, 2004, 09:11: Message edited by: Atrocities ]