Worst place to start a combat...
So here I am, rampaging through the ST universe with a small fleet of 16 assimilator-class Tactical cubes & normal cubes, accompanied by 5 battle cubes, when i see a fleet of 25 ships that would make for some nice decoys during the forthcoming invasion. This fleet is orbiting an ally's homeworld (i'm playing in team mode - 5 AIs on hard with medium bonuses vs. me) and i know for a fact that they have rather... dated.. weaponry. My first choice is to attack. Knowing the annoying BS that has happened before, I save the game *just in case* it happens again. Well, it does.
I sent my fleet over, and they start RIGHT ON TOP of the planet. It's so bad that even then very first weapons platform that the enemy built - equipped with the shortest range and weakest gun available - is able to hit the ship that is the farthest away. Of course, they also have over a hundred more modern platforms.
As if starting at point blank range of everything the enemy with the planet isn't bad enough, the fleet is split into two sub-fleets... one on each side of me. Let me draw a picture here:
enemy me enemy
____________________ <-- map border
Normally I wouldn't care too much about something like this - I'd just replace the fleet with bigger & better ships. But this is happening very often, even when there's only one empire that I'm battling with. Is this normal? You'd think that even the worst of commanders would know not to warp out right on top of an enemy when they have the first shot....
good thing i saved.
Edit: i can't do ASCII art here... :\
[ March 02, 2004, 04:36: Message edited by: oogs ]