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Old October 1st, 2003, 09:58 AM
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Default Cop Chase

I am sitting here trying to get NASY back up and I hear a siren. At first I thought it was the TV, but when I looked out the window I saw a cop car heading down the road after a druggie on a bike. ABOUT fricking time. Shortly there after two more went back and I heard what sounded like gun shots, but could have been something else. I am looking for my video camera.

Two more cop cars just went back at top speed. The road is gravel and has to cross a large creek.

These people who live behind my fathers house in the woods are drug dealing trailer trash. They tear up the road racing in and out and all of the neighbors have complained about them to no end.

Looks like one of them finally got caught speeding and tried to run from the police.

ANother gun shot sound just rang out. I hear dogs now, police dogs. Lots of lights and a few more police just went back.

The whole area is lit up now. I think the druggies are in trouble. Hot damn!

Damn my camera battiers are dead.

The lights are out now. I can't see anything. I can hear them, but can't see them.

A fire engine just went back with a parametic vehical.

God I hope no one was hurt.

Neighbor just called, they are making arrests and are looking for the guy on the bike as he ran into the woods. They think he shot at the cops.

Here come more cops and he was moving. Tis a big bust. That makes something like 8 cop cars back there now.

Just got word it was not a gun shot, it was the druggies bike slammed into some barrels or something.

More barking, lots of barking.

Oh this is very interesting stuff.

I am typing this as I see it. I have to go to the back of the house to see whats going on. I can see the road from where I am sitting, but not the druggies house.

I am going to go see what I can see. Hopefully they find the drugs and crap and bust them all. I hear another siren heading this way. I'll post more when I get info. This is very interesting.
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Old October 1st, 2003, 10:49 AM
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Default Re: Cop Chase

Hot Damn! LOL

Did ya think about offering a some scanners and or combat sensors to the coppers?

On second thought better not...they might check your house for drugs too
Grand Deceiver

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Old October 1st, 2003, 11:15 AM
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Default Re: Cop Chase

Its all over now. The tow truck just left and so have most of the cops. No one was hurt, and I think they made a few arrests.

Believe me I would loved to have been able to take out those druggie bastards with a PPB and a few Capital Ship missiles. The religious tailisment would have come in handy too.

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Old October 1st, 2003, 11:19 AM
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Default Re: Cop Chase

Yeah, this is some sad s#/t. Some guy at work was having real problems with the neighbors from his condo comunity, people were blocking the entrance at all hours of the night. Finally they got busted. Seems that, while the parents were away(sometimes for days at a time) working on their restaurant in the city, their 19 and 17 year old sons were selling drugs. Those people lost everything.

Meantime, here I am back at my mother's house, and wierdos arrive at the neighbors at all hours of the night. Who knows what they're up to on my street.
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Old October 1st, 2003, 08:09 PM
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Default Re: Cop Chase

Maybe a member of the Portland Jailblazers, oops I mean Portland Trailblazers paid a little visit to your neighborhood.

"Remember kids don't do school, and stay in drugs"

A friend of mine threatend to fire flares into a meth lab house if the police didn't do something about it. A week later you should have seen the white trash run out of there and the Hazmat teams run in.
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Old October 1st, 2003, 08:15 PM
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Default Re: Cop Chase

Drat! Where is Jerry Springer when you need him?
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