Sometimes I try to put ships on "Sentry" that I don't want to move for a while and don't want to pay attention to....the Icon shows up...I select the units and it "blinks" when I click sentry like it's trying..but nothing happens...I originally thought it was ships low on fuel..but this is not always the case...what gives? Thanks in advance for your answers.
Looking forward to multi-player but I gotta know what I'm not doing right (in single player) and what might be a little bug before I start thrashing the experts...thanks
I formally request the mods to delete the double postings.
Been busy today
Just assume the post was successful. If you're unsure, wait a minute.
If its still not going, then copy all of your post text into a file on your desktop for safekeeping and reload the forum.
As for the question...
Think of it not that they won't go on sentry... instead, they sentry, spot the problem and them exit sentry mode to tell you on the same turn