A few weeks after the loss of the Star Trek mod data and images, I figured that I'd start a new mod for SE:IV, since SE:V is still some time off...
What I came up with is
Space Food Empires - a series based on some 'comics' and 'radio plays' I made back in the early ninties when I was 13-14. The idea behind the mod is that in another Universe, Food has evolved into sentient beings and developed complex cultures and civilizations that are on the verge of exploring space.
I've put together a website in the style of my former Star Trek mod website, to provide in-depth information about the mod and as a home for a future fiction series about the Space Food universe.
Thanks to the power outage, I've only be able to finish off a few little sections of the site, but enough to give you guys an idea of what the mod will be like. Those sections are the features page, and common technology components. I've got the templates for the Empires and Spaceyards section done, and will be ready to upload those by next weekend. You'll really be amused by the kinds of empire specific components and weapons that should be up at that time too.
I very excited about this new mod as it allows me to use my creativity and not be hindered by canon and copyrights. I'm also developing the mod keeping in mind both Star Fury and Space Empires V, so I can easily transfer the data and images into those games.
Space Food Empires Website
[ August 16, 2003, 21:00: Message edited by: Captain Kwok ]