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Old June 13th, 2003, 08:47 PM

Andr�s Andrés is offline
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Default Imperios Espaciales IV (Spanish translation mod)


Aqu� tienen otra mod que he tenido casi terminada por mucho tiempo, y no hab�a terminado los �ltimos detalles hasta ahora.
Es mas bien un experimento de cu�nto del juego puede traducirse con s�lo modificar los archivos de texto.
Y tal vez sirva como ejemplo para traducciones a otros idiomas.
Todos los nombres y descripciones de cosas como componentes, establecimientos (facilities), formaciones, proyectos de intel, descripciones de razas y archivos de discurso, ect. han sido traducidos.
Por supuesto que esto no es suficiente para permitirle jugar a alguien que no entienda ingl�s.
Todas las ventanas, men�s y comandos as� como otras cadenas de texto aqu� y all� est�n hard-coded en el .EXE y siguen en ingl�s.

Hace un tiempo, antes de la versi�n Gold, Diego Mundt me hab�a mandado una versi�n del .EXE que hab�a estado traduciendo con un editor Hex. Hab�a progresado bastante traduciendo todas las ventanas m�s importantes, e incluso hab�a creado un peque�o programa parche que se aplicaba sobre el .EXE original para permitir distribuirlo.
Lamentablemente perd� ese .EXE que �l me hab�a mandado, y todos los archivos de textos adicionales. Tuve que rehacer todos los archivos data para esta mod.

S� que hay unos cuantos hispanohablantes por aqu�.
Por favor d�ganme sus opiniones, si encuentran alg�n error en las traducciones y si hay alg�n archivo m�s que pueda traducirse.

-Follows the same message in English

Here's another mod that I have had almost finished for a long time, and I have not finished the Last details up to now.
It is more of an experiment of how much of the game can be translated by just modifying the text files.
And perhaps serves as example for translations into other Languages.
All the names and descriptions of things such as components, facilities, formations, intel projects, race descriptions and speech files, etc. have been translated.
Of course that this is not enough to allow someone who doesn't understand English to play.
All the windows, menus and commands as well as other text strings here and there are hard-coded in the .EXE and they remain in English.

A while ago, before the Gold Version, Diego Mundt had sent me a Version of the .EXE that he had been translating with a Hex editor. He had progressed quite a bit translating all the more important windows, and he had even created a small patch program that was applied on the original .EXE to allowing distributing it.
Unfortunately I lost that .EXE he had sent me, and all the additional text files. I had to remake all of the data files for this mod.

I know that there are some Spanish-speakers here.
Please tell me your opinions, if you find some error in the translations and if there is some other file that can be translated.
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Old June 13th, 2003, 09:22 PM

Grand Lord Vito Grand Lord Vito is offline
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Default Re: Imperios Espaciales IV (Spanish translation mod)

This is great, Andres
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Old June 13th, 2003, 10:01 PM
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Default Re: Imperios Espaciales IV (Spanish translation mod)

This is interesting. I don't speak spanish, but still it's neat. A lot of the buttons have bitmaps that could be translated. It would make the mod a lot bigger I guess.

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Old June 13th, 2003, 11:07 PM

JLS JLS is offline
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Default Re: Imperios Espaciales IV (Spanish translation mod)

Adelante !
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Optimized for[i] Solitaire Play!
With or without all Warp points, Finite resources, same starts and Simultaneous movement

~~~ CLICK ON &gt;&gt;&gt; (((&gt; <font color="green"> AI CAMPAIGN v4.191 </font> &lt)) &lt;&lt;&lt; To Get ~~~
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Old July 21st, 2003, 06:11 PM

Andr�s Andrés is offline
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Default Re: Imperios Espaciales IV (Spanish translation mod)

I had posted this in the 'hola busco gente' thread, but I think that the official thread of this mod is the appropiate place for Last Version od this mod.

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Old July 22nd, 2003, 01:45 AM
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Default Re: Imperios Espaciales IV (Spanish translation mod)

Cool idea. As far as the hardcoded strings: it could be considered a feature request for SEV to put all text in external files. It's not that difficult to program but it could mean a lot of work for Aaron because he would have to use unicode enabled functions to accomplish this. And if he's not using the unicode string manipulation functions, he would have to replace the old function calls by their unicode equivalents. But it would allow full modification/translation of the text in the game! Now that would be cool.
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