Proportions Mod Versions 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 are now available for download from
the Proportions web page.
(Note than games in progress with many remote mining bases may want to upgrade to 2.5.2 rather than 2.5.3, if avoidance of disruption and balance issues is desired.)
Changes Log:
Version 2.5.3:
Remote Mining Adjustments:
* This Version is designed for newly started games, or for games where it
is accepted by players that large bases filled with remote miner
components will no longer be allowed. It is suggested that any pre-
existing bases with more than two remote miner components, should be
retrofitted to designs obeying the new limits. For players who want
to continue games without this disruption to remote mining production,
use of Proportions Version 2.5.2 is suggested.
* Added restriction on remote miner components per unit to two, halved
structure, and doubled size of ship/base Versions (compared to 2.5.1).
This prevents massively productive mining bases, which were possible
before but were unintentionally overproductive. It also presents
interesting choices between ship, base and satellite miner designs.
Pre-existing bases in upgraded games will retain their former abilities
(except structure, and bases upgraded from 2.5.2, which would be half
as productive).
* Remote mining now does not reduce value in unlimited resources games.
Version 2.5.2:
Remote Mining Adjustments:
* This Version is designed to upgrade with minimal disturbance to existing
games which may already include signifigant numbers of remote mining
battlestations. It doesn't fully correct the problem with the extreme
production from remote mining bases. It does prohibit filling starbases
with remote miner components, but pre-existing miner-filled starbases
will still operate. It is suggested that such starbases be retrofitted
with the new components, which will limit their production to about that
of a battle station filled with miner components.
Changes for smoother upgrades for existing games using 2.4.2:
* The Fighter Carriers tech added in 2.5 now costs more, is expanded in
both directions to five levels (using the Tiny and Massive carrier images
from the SE4 Image Neo-Standard) and provides improved classes compared
to the standard carriers. Existing carriers have their costs and to-hit
penalties somewhat increased. The five new carrier classes are Escort
Carrier, Advanced Light Carrier, Advanced Carrier, Advanced Heavy Carrier,
and Super-Heavy Carrier.
* Pre-existing special armors downgraded to compensate for their
ability compared to the new armors that require specialized research, and
to compensate for changes to Emissive Armor from Gold patch Version 1.78.
Unlike 2.5 & 2.5.1, they can now continue to be deployed, and may be good
choices for large ships (since they don't use Scale mounts and so will be
smaller on large ships).
* Added six levels to the new Stealth Armor tech area, allowing eventual
(expensive) blocking of all Active and Passive EM scans.
* Added a new "Fast Colony Ships" tech area, for players who wish to develop
somewhat faster colony ships.
* Added a new "Massive Base Ship" class.
* Added nine more population modifier brackets to smooth curve for fully
populated worlds (5% jumps every 500M rather than 10% every 1000M).
* Fixed crippling Sergetti design bug - thanks to Oleg again!
* Added a new image for the Arcology facility, created for Proportions by
Bill Elliott (aka mlmbd) - thanks Bill!
* Added generic worldship images from SE4 Image Neo-Standard Expansion Pack.
* Fixed minor typo in to-hit description of some ships (said "base").
* It is highly recommended that players install the SE4 Image Neo-Standard
Expansion Pack available from