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Old August 9th, 2018, 12:33 PM
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Question Opposing force in generated campaign

Hi folks,

I was wondering whether anyone knew a way (other than the "tank-heavy" switch, creating a special OoB or messing around in the pick list files) to alter the AI force composition in a generated campaign?

Examples would include things like: only facing the French Foreign Legion rather than the main army (AMX-10RC rather than Leclerc), facing Marines or Paras rather than main forces in isolated areas (think Falklands style but with other countries).

Whilst it would be possible to buy enemy forces for a battle, or string some together in a user campaign - I like the unknown aspects of a generated campaign.

Am I missing something obvious? or living in cloud-cuckoo land?

"Gentlemen, when the enemy is committed to a mistake - we must not interrupt him too soon."
Horatio Nelson.
SPMBT Roundel Objectives Mod
SPMBT Small ID Flags Mod
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Old August 9th, 2018, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: Opposing force in generated campaign

Try editing the enemy OB formations after choosing the opponents and the date.

-Set the points value to what your core is worth, with the AI as side 2.
-Start a generated battle with both sides human, both sides AI pick
- Then see what formations it buys at that battle type, date and points

Repeat umpteen times, till you get an idea of what are the common picks. You will need to do 20 or more test picks to get a feel, as some things are randomised (like buying elite infantry instead of line).

Then, edit the common formations to your more specific ones (e.g. replace the line company and platoon used with legion, replace MBT formations with AMX etc).Remember to save the original OOB to replace, and/or use the OOB swap utility.
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