I have never pursued the tactical aspect of SE IV. I have always been a strategic player. However tactical combat has been calling my name of late. I am curious as to the Pro's & Cons of both play styles.
Most of the time i play in tactical mode. With the TDM-Modpack, i have the feeling, that the AI is more smart then before. Even on strategical playing, it does very well.
In tactical combat you have a huge advantage over the AI, so I use this only for combat simulation to test new design or modded components.
Similar, but not so important, seems to me the difference between turn based and simultaneous games: in turn based game the human player has an advantage.
TDM modpack + P&N pirate race for player = tactical combat "required"
I love seeing the ships get bLasted apart component by component, and trying to save your wounded ships by any means nessesary. The power and control over your ships, being part of the battle, rather than an observer. That's why I like tactical.
I find the concept of P&N utterly facinating. I tried to tackle the enormous thread on the subject and was wondering if you could include a small starters guide with your mod. I think it would be an outstanding additon and will help newbies such as I get their feet wet.
[ 20 February 2002: Message edited by: NigelWulf ]