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Old October 7th, 2015, 08:29 PM
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Default SaS TrooP: 3 Royal Tank Regiment 1940-45

I have an idea I would like to try out.

It involves a bit more involvement than just playing the scenarios.

First I need you to outline the defences of Calais, even for the units that will not be part of your core force.

Use the map below as a reference. The deployment must not be in great detail but I need to know where you want the units listed below to defend, attack etc. You can place them all in Calais, make a perimiter outside the town, or combine. If you wish you can atempt a counterattack on the Germans.

You will play the engagements that involve the 3RTR as part of a campaign, and other battles where neccessary as scenarios.

The game will take its basis from history, the units detailed below are roughly accurate, but there is plenty of wiggle room for you to change history. The defence of Calais lasted a few days. Maybe you can do it better?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It is May 22, 1940.

You have been sent to France as the commander of the 3 Royal Tank Regiment, a tank battalion attached to the 30 Motor Brigade and assigned to the defence of the French port town of Calais.

Things are very confused. The German attack has unhinged the allied forces on the western front, and nothing seems to be able to stop the attackers. Their Panzers have already reached the coast near Abbeville.

At first the idea had been to use the forces in Calais in an offensive against the advancing Germans but with German forces rapidly closing in on the town the first priority must be to establish a defence.

Unfortunately, both the first commander of British forces in the Calais area, Colonel Holland, and the commander of 30 Brigade, Brigadier Niclolson, are dead. Killed in a Luftwaffe air raid.

You have been given seniority over the infantry officers of the brigade, unconventional, but things are confused and there is little time.

You are responsible for the organisation of the defence of Calais until a replacement for the brigadier can be found.

These are the forces under you must direct, in addition to your own 3RTR:

HQ 30 Brigade

1st Bn, Queen Victoria's Rifles – an infantry motorcycle Bn without any transport but with 3in Mortar platoon.

2nd Bn, King's Royal Rifle Corps – (infantry) Motor Bn, 4 Companies – with transport but no anti-tank guns, no 3in Mortars.

1st Bn, The Rifle Brigade – (infantry) Motor Bn, 4 Companies – with transport but no anti-tank guns, no 3in Mortars.

3rd Royal Tank Regiment – (armour) HQ with scout platoon (Daimler Dingos), 2 cruiser tank squadrons (A-9s), one light tank squadron (MkIV light tanks).

229th Anti-Tank Battery, Royal Artillery – (12 anti-tank guns, with motor transport)

6th Battery, 2nd Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery – (40mm)
21st Battery, 2nd Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery – (40mm)

172nd Battery, 58th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery – (20mm)
173rd Battery, 58th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery – (20mm)

1st Battery, 1st Searchlight Regiment, Royal Artillery (limited use as reserve infantry)
2nd Battery, 1st Searchlight Regiment, Royal Artillery (limited use as reserve infantry)

Rifle Platoon, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (independent rifle plt)

Battalion Lembertye, French Army (2 Rifle Companies, 1 half strength rifle company, 1 Heavy Company with MGs and two 75mm guns).

5th Battery, 115th Artillery Regiment, French Army (155mm, hore drawn)

Fort Vert, French Navy Costal Artillery
Fort Lapin, French Navy Coastal Artillery
Fort Nieulay, French Navy Coastal Artillery

Use this map to base your defence plan. Draw or describe the deployment of the various units availiable for the defence of Calais.

The German attack can come from any direction except the sea.
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Old October 8th, 2015, 09:27 AM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP: 3 Royal Tank Regiment 1940-45

Hmm, that is far more of roleplay I actually expected, but...


Before we start (writing from work, I will be able to handle it today late evening), couple of technical questions:

1. About my unit. 3RTR. This should be the unit I am making my core force of? Or do ou want me to make the core of entire brigade (it it is even possible with 200 units limit).

2. I need more exact info of Queen Victoria's Rifles. I do not recall Brits having motorcycle formations. Did you mean motorized?

3. As of motorized battalion/infantry battalion, should I also include integral Battalion Support Company unless said otherwise? So, with "Motor Bn, 4 Companies – with transport but no anti-tank guns, no 3in Mortars" I should understand they have casualties and lost this equipment?

4. AA Battery had 18 guns it seems. Making sure I have 2x18 40mm AA guns and 2x18 20mm AA guns for disposition.
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Old October 8th, 2015, 10:58 AM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP: 3 Royal Tank Regiment 1940-45

Originally Posted by SaS TrooP View Post
Hmm, that is far more of roleplay I actually expected, but...


Before we start (writing from work, I will be able to handle it today late evening), couple of technical questions:

1. About my unit. 3RTR. This should be the unit I am making my core force of? Or do ou want me to make the core of entire brigade (it it is even possible with 200 units limit).
Yes, 3RTR will be your core force and the focus of the actual campaign. But, you will have a say in the deployment and use of other formations too. I don't plan to go deep into logistics but I think it could be fun to have a broad scope in the game, in this case a brigade size unit. Some combat, maybe not involving 3RTR, but important for the big picture, could be resolved through stand alone scenarios.

Originally Posted by SaS TrooP View Post
2. I need more exact info of Queen Victoria's Rifles. I do not recall Brits having motorcycle formations. Did you mean motorized?
I do not know the exact organisation.

From Wikipedia:

At the outbreak of World War II, 1/QVR and 2/QVR were formally made part of the King's Royal Rifle Corps, becoming the 7th and 8th KRRC battalions respectively. The 7th KRRC (1st Queen Victoria's Rifles) were designated a motor-cycle reconnaissance battalion and armed with revolvers instead of rifles. As part of the 30th Infantry Brigade, they were hurriedly sent across the English Channel, but due to an error, their motor cycles and sidecars were left in England.[2] They fought in the desperate operation at Calais between 23 and 26 May 1940, which bought valuable time for the main Battle of Dunkirk. All were either killed or captured and the battalion had to reconstitute from scratch.


Originally Posted by SaS TrooP View Post
3. As of motorized battalion/infantry battalion, should I also include integral Battalion Support Company unless said otherwise? So, with "Motor Bn, 4 Companies – with transport but no anti-tank guns, no 3in Mortars" I should understand they have casualties and lost this equipment?
These units are intact at the start of the game. The companies of the Motor Battalion were supposed to be able to work independantly attached to other units like tank regiments and draw on them for anti-tank and artillery support. They had no organic anti-tank guns or 3in mortars.


Originally Posted by SaS TrooP View Post
4. AA Battery had 18 guns it seems. Making sure I have 2x18 40mm AA guns and 2x18 20mm AA guns for disposition.
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Old October 8th, 2015, 05:20 PM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP: 3 Royal Tank Regiment 1940-45

There we go then.


Colonel Julian Corwin Penny

Provided in previous OPORDs

1. Provision of defensive perimeter around town of Calais.
2. Denying access to town of Calais to the enemy until relieved.
3. Protection of civilian population and civilian evacuation of Calais.

Provided in previous OPORDs

1st Bn, Queen Victoria's Rifles
2nd Bn, King's Royal Rifle Corps
1st Bn, The Rifle Brigade
3rd Royal Tank Regiment
229th Anti-Tank Battery, Royal Artillery
6th Battery, 2nd Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery (40mm)
21st Battery, 2nd Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery (40mm)
172nd Battery, 58th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery (20mm)
173rd Battery, 58th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery (20mm)
1st Battery, 1st Searchlight Regiment, Royal Artillery
2nd Battery, 1st Searchlight Regiment, Royal Artillery
Rifle Platoon, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
Battalion Lembertye, French Army
5th Battery, 115th Artillery Regiment, French Army
Fort Vert, French Navy Costal Artillery
Fort Lapin, French Navy Coastal Artillery
Fort Nieulay, French Navy Coastal Artillery

Unbeknown to us. Expected Wehrmacht Panzer Division

HQ30MOTBRIG shall be deployed in Calais itself. Subordinate units shall be deployed as on the map attached.

Sector "Marck"
This sector is defended by 1st Company of 1st Bn, Queen Victorias, operating from perimeter of Fort Vert. Their objectives are as follows:
1. Launching reconeissance raids against the enemy, setting up listening posts towards the east, including ones on the other side of Marck Canal and in the town of Marck itself. Battalion AOP shall be located in the Fort.
2. Cooperation with French artillery and fort crews in defending that position against enemy attacks.
3. Delaying action should the Fort be evacuated.

Calais positions on sector "Marck" are covered by 2nd Company of 1st Bn, Queen Victorias with task of denying enemy reconneissance units crossing into Calais through the beach. To the south, entire 1st Bn, The Rifle Brigade is deployed, with 1st Platoon (on map battery) of 229th AT Bat, Royal Artillery. Their objective is to dug-in and provide protection to the city outskirts, as well as fine defences of Calais-Dunkirk road which enemy may likely use when attacking.
6th Battery, 2nd Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery is attached to this battlegroup for AA protection.

Sector "Le Cotombier North"
This sector is secured with entire 2nd Bn, King's Royal Rifle Corps, supported by 2nd Platoon (on map battery) of 229th AT Bat, Royal Artillery and 172nd Battery, 58th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery.
Their key objective is to provide covering fire for Fort Vert, as well as close defence of Calais-Dunkirk Road. Since we expect the enemy to advance with that route, it is expected that deployment of these units will remain undisclosed, as they pose for a perfect ambushing group should enemy try to attack Calais straight from the march. They could also launch an offensive maneuver if enemy is properly stopped by main body of Sector "Marck" this may lead to encirclement of significant enemy force.

Sector "Le Cotombier South"
This sector is covered by 3RTR (minus A9 tank squadron) with Rifle Platoon, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and 173rd Battery, 58th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery provided as support units.
3RTR will deny enemy the usage of "SE Omer" road and nearby canal for offensive purposes. This line of advance is expected from the enemy should he attack with heavy force (especially with attack from marching stance) or enemy attacks in "Marck" sector fail to succeed. It is expected enemy will search for additional routes and that will be key choice.

Sector "Colougne"
This sector is manned by two companies of Battalion Lembertye, French Army ("Coulogne East") and one understrenght company of Battalion Lembertye, French Army ("Coulogne West"), weapons company shall be split evenly. This unit is supported by A9 Squadron, 3RTR and 21st Battery, 2nd Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery.
Its objective is to:
1. Defend the flank of "Le Cotombier South". It is expected enemy may try to launch the attack on the left flank of "Le Cotombier South" if enemy manages to create a passage through the canal. This deployment is to prevent enemy from doing so and preventing any attempts from engineers to construct a passage.
2. Defending the village of Coulogne and nearby roads leading to the south. It is expected enemy may use these roads as yet another attack route on Calais.
Tanks of RTR will be used to prevent enemy armour from breaking in. Tanks should maintain QRF stance.

Sector "Two Forts"
This sector is manned by 3rd Company, 1st Bn, Queen Victoria's Rifles with platoon (on map battery) of AT guns attached.
This sector is considered to be the safest. For this reason Company is to support French fort crews in defensive effort and provide scouting missions to the west should enemy be successful with encircling maneuver.

Infantry from Searchlight Regiment are considered reserves. One is deployed as reserve for Battalion Lembertye, the other one is responsive for protection of Calais itself. Policing duties shall be ordered in this unit.
French 155mm gun battery is to support wherever necessary. It's preplanned bombarding position covers the sector "Coulogne" and Fort Neulay close by's.
Artillery forts shall provide artillery support wherever necessary:
1. Fort Vert is responsible for covering "Marck" area.
2. Fort Lapin is responsible for "Le Cotombier South" area.
3. Fort Neulay is responsible for "Coulogne" area.
Lapin and Neulay obviously cover "Two forts" as well.

Up for subordinate unit's commanders.

Colonel Julian Corwin Penny, 3RTR, is the head of the defence.
Sectors are commander by greatest rank officers.

Deployment Map:

Damn, I was doing that first time with such quality maps :P
I hope it is fine and clear. But I am not sure how you will interpret that all.
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Old October 8th, 2015, 05:25 PM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP: 3 Royal Tank Regiment 1940-45

Great work! I'll get to work on the maps etc. The war is coming.
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Old October 8th, 2015, 05:29 PM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP: 3 Royal Tank Regiment 1940-45

Notice you have a big version of the map also. Just to make sure :P
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Old October 12th, 2015, 06:20 PM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP: 3 Royal Tank Regiment 1940-45

Here is the frame for the 3RTR campaign. As the game progress you will have to help with adding new scenarios and beyond Calais you will have to add build points and support points as well.

The first scenario represent the embarking of the 3RTR vehicles in Southampton, Britain. It is only 1 turn long and has no enemy forces

I have beefed up the core some, it now includes:

FOO team
Staff transport (carriers)
HQ tanks (2 A9 support version)
HQ Squadron (including light tank, Dingo recce and carrier platoons)
A Squadron (Cruisers)
B Squadron (Cruisers)
C Squadron (Light tanks)

The names of all leaders are based on actual tankers that served in the 3RTR during the war.

JUNE 22, 1940:

Strong German forces move passed your southern defences with only minor skirmising. It is the 1. Panzer-division pivoting east, attacking allied forces near GRAVELINES-DUNKIRK.

JUNE 23, 1940:

Radio intercepts confirm the 10. Panzer-division, previously held in reserve and at near full strength, have begun to move against CALAIS along the Calais-St Omer canal. Near Les Colombier - Les Attagues - Coulogne it will clash with elements of the Calais Garrision.

Notes: moving from the south in the direction of Calais are French army stragglers. If you can make them fight, use them to bolster your defences. Most units are dismoutned at the start of the game - I reccomend you try to mount them on the nearby trucks.

Remeber to save before the game ends in order to add more scenarios!
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Old October 13th, 2015, 05:33 AM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP: 3 Royal Tank Regiment 1940-45

Additional Order: Colonel Penny orders 3rd Company, 1st Bn, Queen Victoria's Rifles (currently main holding force of "Two Forts") to EXCHANGE positions with entire 1st Bn, The Rifle Brigade (currently holding "Marck").
This is obvious now that enemy will not advance head on Calais with significant force, given the intercepted commands. I want The Rifle Brigade to use and surely to EXPAND defensive position previously held by Queen Victoria's (I want everyone to dug-in). I am detaching searchlight company from Lembertye for extra shovels supporting The Rifle Brigade in their digging mission. Yet, if speed is too slow, commander of The Rifle Brigade battalion is ALLOWED to force civilian population (men only and near-adult teenage boys) into fortifying.

Exhance of positions is to occur by jumps: One platoon of Victoria's switching with full company of The Rifles. This will prevent mass of untrenched troops in the perimeter, should Germans bombard with artillery. If artillery bombardment occures, I recommend commander of The Rifles Battalion to send untrenched troops slightly to the back as mobile reserve.

AT Guns are already entrhenched, I do not think their positions require fixing.

If any of the commanders considers it nuts, I want to hear the objections.
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Old October 13th, 2015, 12:02 PM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP: 3 Royal Tank Regiment 1940-45

And one technical question: why my units are not entrenched? Was there not enough time?
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Old October 13th, 2015, 12:13 PM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP: 3 Royal Tank Regiment 1940-45

Lack of time, inexperience - with the exception of the French - your troops have not yet met the enemy, confusion -'friction of war'...
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