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Old July 31st, 2008, 10:26 AM
Mindi's Avatar

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Default Avatar Overages, please read!

The following people have avatars that exceed our 80x80 dimensions that need to be adjusted to fit our limits before we move to the new site. If they are not fixed by the time our site changes, they will be deleted:

| width | height | username |
| 100 | 100 | Drage Gryphon |
| 142 | 142 | Barnacle Bill |
| 196 | 256 | AMF |
| 100 | 100 | Devnullicus |
| 105 | 137 | Slaughtermeyer |
| 100 | 84 | tesco samoa |
| 96 | 96 | bearclaw |
| 124 | 156 | Harry_2 |
| 84 | 132 | PDF |
| 150 | 200 | sachmo |
| 85 | 100 | ELN-Gustyboy |
| 455 | 561 | Scruffy_Ferret |
| 240 | 320 | Desdinova |
| 100 | 75 | GeneralVaughn |
| 100 | 89 | Aloofi |
| 550 | 380 | NTJedi |
| 128 | 128 | Kristoffer O |
| 128 | 128 | Monolith |
| 138 | 171 | geo981010 |
| 244 | 276 | UNIVAC |
| 90 | 90 | reverend |
| 120 | 120 | Lord Hammer |
| 323 | 294 | JayThomas |
| 100 | 52 | Bakka |
| 162 | 229 | asparagus |
| 96 | 128 | Chazar |
| 185 | 290 | Baalz |
| 200 | 200 | z0dd |
| 100 | 60 | Sertorius |
| 150 | 145 | Leblanc |
| 179 | 232 | magnate |
| 120 | 120 | Solymr |
| 111 | 128 | Spectarofdeath |
| 240 | 240 | Klatu |
| 159 | 227 | BlazeOfWar |
| 336 | 422 | The Panther |
| 147 | 200 | Scatter |
| 85 | 100 | embis |
| 93 | 100 | Tyrant |
| 106 | 111 | DragonFire11 |
| 216 | 216 | Zen |
| 96 | 96 | Raider |
| 164 | 76 | rdinardo |
| 150 | 121 | Sarasa_Chan |
| 180 | 134 | Irulan |
| 100 | 100 | RudyHuxtable |
| 483 | 360 | Blueentity |
| 300 | 225 | Nex_Empire |
| 96 | 161 | Bongosan |
| 126 | 122 | Spuds |
| 180 | 169 | paulmacg |
| 107 | 108 | Leslie |
| 112 | 89 | High_Priest_Naresh |
| 107 | 98 | Jim1954 |
| 164 | 186 | Thexder |
| 384 | 256 | troopie |
| 150 | 150 | JohnHale |
| 120 | 152 | Mappo |
| 90 | 98 | 7thcav |
| 109 | 125 | trip_1509 |
| 101 | 110 | Nanook |
| 225 | 150 | Pannonicus |
| 90 | 108 | Arclight |
| 256 | 219 | Noah_Vaile |
| 148 | 103 | IvanPolkov |
| 100 | 100 | cryingdevil |
| 160 | 135 | Dan_UK |
| 600 | 407 | RecruitMonty |
| 317 | 503 | deanglen |
| 145 | 145 | Major_SNAFU |
| 150 | 75 | YoBitxo |
| 341 | 304 | niklas627 |
| 200 | 300 | Paladin_SE5 |
| 100 | 100 | SeditiousCanary |
| 95 | 100 | nihilistic |
| 380 | 287 | EnemyAce |
| 104 | 126 | NeadCB |
| 1027 | 544 | scout32 |
| 100 | 100 | shinigami |
| 85 | 80 | INWC |
| 128 | 128 | TheHand |
| 128 | 128 | Wade |
| 125 | 113 | LarryP |
| 186 | 166 | Ariba |
| 90 | 98 | pirimeister |
| 130 | 130 | HoneyBadger |
| 300 | 340 | FAJ |
| 243 | 243 | Oddjob |
| 95 | 100 | Romulus68 |
| 101 | 80 | Evilhomer |
| 96 | 96 | SoaviFox |
| 100 | 114 | Cerlin |
| 85 | 100 | waynec |
| 96 | 120 | XiahouDun |
| 508 | 459 | BandarLover |
| 150 | 120 | xelplex |
| 98 | 111 | Xietor |
| 106 | 100 | jimi3 |
| 215 | 249 | BR_Adler |
| 148 | 70 | blitzkreig |
| 166 | 123 | Shadohfrog |
| 90 | 90 | Kaylo |
| 388 | 400 | PAR |
| 250 | 188 | Locus |
| 512 | 384 | Hank_Krapf |
| 100 | 75 | Suhiir |
| 86 | 88 | ano |
| 491 | 568 | basesurge |
| 163 | 229 | BigandScary |
| 84 | 100 | Atreidi |
| 100 | 100 | Zeldor |
| 155 | 158 | Aapeli |
| 138 | 88 | Janblanc |
| 320 | 240 | charliecooper |
| 110 | 170 | Mickey_Shen |
| 90 | 91 | johannavich |
| 200 | 200 | Cavman |
| 400 | 400 | Torin |
| 100 | 100 | Brummbar |
| 100 | 135 | Mozkito |
| 148 | 149 | Haruhi_Suzumiya |
| 100 | 100 | Revolution |
| 134 | 109 | FedSlayer |
| 2497 | 2139 | sansanjuan |
| 180 | 232 | rasko |
| 155 | 250 | mountebank |
| 100 | 100 | klagrok |
| 91 | 91 | Raymo |
| 98 | 93 | Ylvali |
| 87 | 67 | Super_Papat |
| 160 | 125 | enrico7113 |
| 150 | 150 | Metalking |
| 140 | 133 | coolnathan01 |
| 200 | 205 | RightDeve |
| 160 | 106 | Idris |
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

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Old July 31st, 2008, 03:45 PM
Fyron's Avatar

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Default Re: Avatar Overages, please read!

What about just writing a quick script to resize them (assuming they are uploaded to the server)?

| 2497 | 2139 | sansanjuan |

Yikes! What an ***!
It's not whether you win or lose that counts: it's how much pain you inflict along the way.
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Old July 31st, 2008, 05:06 PM
Mindi's Avatar

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Default Re: Avatar Overages, please read!

Not all of them are uploaded to our server.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

For those looking for with this forum, please see Annette as I am retired.
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Old July 31st, 2008, 05:48 PM
Suicide Junkie's Avatar
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Default Re: Avatar Overages, please read!

Right, but the ones that *are* could be resized, and that would cut down on the ones that would have to be deleted completely.
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Old July 31st, 2008, 07:48 PM
narf poit chez BOOM's Avatar

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Default Re: Avatar Overages, please read!

Well, I'm not there. So that's good.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old July 31st, 2008, 10:11 PM
Ed Kolis's Avatar

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Default Re: Avatar Overages, please read!

Yeah, it would be a pity if David Gervais designed all his avatars too big and they suddenly disappeared off the forum!
The Ed draws near! What dost thou deaux?
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Old August 1st, 2008, 09:13 PM
Azselendor's Avatar

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Default Re: Avatar Overages, please read!

Fyron said:
What about just writing a quick script to resize them (assuming they are uploaded to the server)?

| 2497 | 2139 | sansanjuan |

Yikes! What an ***!

With an avatar that big, one has to wonder what his desktop resolution is. But in anyone is wondering...


Not even HDR
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Old August 1st, 2008, 10:27 PM
Suicide Junkie's Avatar
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Default Re: Avatar Overages, please read!

The heck?

There's only about 80x80 actual pixels in there, and it is just zoomed up in MSpaint for no reason at all.
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Old August 12th, 2008, 10:20 AM
sansanjuan's Avatar

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Default Sorry 'bout that

Image manipulation is obviously not my forte. I thought I'd ripped the image down to conform to the profile guidelines but I guess not.
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Old August 12th, 2008, 10:41 AM
Mindi's Avatar

Mindi Mindi is offline
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lol, it's okay. You just need to make sure it's 80x80 pixels and no more than 20k. The system shouldn't allow you to upload one that's too big now, so you should definitely know if it isn't right now.

No worries.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

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