Re: Player response question.
The tutorial scenario is designed to be played by the trainee player as side 1 (USA) without any real challenge from the enemy. It is designed to be a walk-over.
There are neutral victory hexes out in front of the trainee player, which the AI will charge, abandoning its defensive stance. The newbie player can basically win this one by taking the neutral hexes and then standing still and treating it as a shooting gallery, if he so desires.
So - if you can make a draw out of playing the shooting gallery targets side, you are probably doing well.
If you want a variant that might challenge the USA side as an AI player - then load the scenario in the editor and change a few parameters, then save the changed scenario into a free slot.
- Ensure it is an advance mission for the USA side
- Move all the V-hexes behind the Iraqi ridge, and set the neutral ones to Iraq ownership.
- Move the ammo bunkers behind the ridge, and also the artillery pieces.
- Give the Iraqi side some pre-plotted bombardment spots (None are issued as the scenario is meant for them to be the AI side, and the AI knows nothing about gold spots)
Play it a few times, killing any US forces as they come over the ridge with flank shots (hopefully!). After a few games, you may want to try adding a few extra troops (SA-7 and/or RPG teams perhaps, or a mortar team or 2, or play with game length etc).