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Old March 4th, 2008, 04:51 PM

GeorgiaBoy GeorgiaBoy is offline
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Default How similiar is WW to Space Rangers 2?

I was thinking of purchasing WW, but was wondering how similiar it is to Space Rangers 2? I really enjoy SR 2, but I believe it is not moddable...


P.S. Two more questions--
1. Can goods be traded ala X3(and/or modded)?
2. Can game length be increased?
"There is no substitute for victory."--Douglas MacArthur

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Old March 4th, 2008, 10:24 PM
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S.R. Krol S.R. Krol is offline
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Default Re: How similiar is WW to Space Rangers 2?

Pretty much a totally different beast. WW is a concise game, while I've always viewed SR2 as much more of a 'throw everything against the wall and see what sticks' kind of game.

For the most part trading only comes into play with the Klakar event. WW is definitely not a trading simulation, although depending on what type of mission you're undertaking the final score will reflect goods in your possession.

I believe the game length can be increased. Just checked out some of the data files and one config file, 'game', has a section for dates so I would assume that you could tinker around with that. As you can tell I have never tried, so don't quote me on it. Hopefully someone else can confirm it positively.

Really the best advice I can give you is to check out the demo. That'll give you a good representative taste of what to expect, how it differs from SR2, and you can check out the file system to see how modding will go.
Old March 15th, 2008, 10:54 PM

GeorgiaBoy GeorgiaBoy is offline
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Default Re: How similiar is WW to Space Rangers 2?

Thanks for the info! My quest continues...

"There is no substitute for victory."--Douglas MacArthur

but, especially in this day and age,

"What is victory?"--Sun Tzu


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