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Old June 13th, 2001, 01:19 AM

God Emperor God Emperor is offline
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Default Check this out - a DesignCreation file that disrupts AI state

Was tinkering around with my Borg variant and noticed that it would only build Attack Ships - ie wasnt following the Construction_Vehicles file.
Eventually (4 hours later) I tracked the problem down to this DesignCreation file.
Starting with a clean base file (ie one that didnt disrupt the AI) I steadily added sections of the old file until I determined that the Minesweeper entry seems to be the problem.
The offending DesignCreation file is attached. If you insert it into any race it will disrupt their vehicle builds. Can anyone tell from the file why it disrupts the AI vehicle builds? What is so special about the Minesweeper entry?

I'll send this one on to Aaron if people think its worthwhile...
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Old June 13th, 2001, 01:45 AM

SunDevil SunDevil is offline
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Default Re: Check this out - a DesignCreation file that disrupts AI state

Name := Mine Sweeper
Design Type := Mine Sweeper
Vehicle Type := Ship
Default Strategy := Don't Get Hurt
Size Minimum Tonnage := 10
Size Maximum Tonnage := 5000
Num Must Have At Least 1 Ability := 1
Must Have Ability 1 := Mine Sweeping
Minimum Speed := 3
Desired Speed := 6
Majority Weapon Family Pick 1 := 0
Majority Weapon Family Pick 2 := 0
Majority Weapon Family Pick 3 := 0
Majority Weapon Family Pick 4 := 0
Majority Weapon Family Pick 5 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 1 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 2 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 3 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 4 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 5 := 0
Shields Spaces Per One := 200
Armor Spaces Per One := 300
Majority Comp Spaces Per One := 200
Majority Comp Ability := Mine Sweeping
Secondary Comp Spaces Per One := 0
Secondary Comp Ability :=

The only thing I can think of off the top of my head while I'm at work, is that you might want to try adding this to the ship

Num Must Have At Least 1 Ability := 1
Must Have Ability 1 := Mine Sweeping

Maybe be adding that ability to the ship it can use mine sweeping components, just a thought.
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Old June 13th, 2001, 08:16 AM
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Default Re: Check this out - a DesignCreation file that disrupts AI state

Ummmmmm, check after the attack ship entry, there is the famous 'double space'. Maybe this is your problem .

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Old June 13th, 2001, 04:40 PM
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Default Re: Check this out - a DesignCreation file that disrupts AI state

Deathstalker is right... the double line after the Attack ship is the problem.
The first time that I had this problem, I lost 6 hours trying to find the problem!!!
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Old June 13th, 2001, 07:37 PM

Omega Omega is offline
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Default Re: Check this out - a DesignCreation file that disrupts AI state

I have a question about your minesweeper design that is not related to your problem. Do you think that ECM and point defense are really worth while on a mine sweeper? The AI uses mine sweepers separately from other vessels. If they encounter enemy warships it is doubtful that ECM of a couple of PD are going to make any difference. Just wondering�
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Old June 15th, 2001, 09:27 AM

God Emperor God Emperor is offline
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Default Re: Check this out - a DesignCreation file that disrupts AI state

Jeez, dont know how I missed the double space! Must have spent hours staring at the file.....

With respect to mine sweepers, I am testing them as regular combat ships but with mine sweeping capability. Other combat ships have been modded to include 1 or 2 mine sweepers. The rationale is that given the AI cannot coordinate ships very well, they need to be designed to do a bit of everything.
My latest design looks as follows;

Name := Mine Sweeper
Design Type := Mine Sweeper
Vehicle Type := Ship
Default Strategy := Maximum Weapons Range
Size Minimum Tonnage := 10
Size Maximum Tonnage := 5000
Num Must Have At Least 1 Ability := 1
Must Have Ability 1 := Mine Sweeping
Minimum Speed := 4
Desired Speed := 6
Majority Weapon Family Pick 1 := 120
Majority Weapon Family Pick 2 := 40
Majority Weapon Family Pick 3 := 8
Majority Weapon Family Pick 4 := 2
Majority Weapon Family Pick 5 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 1 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 2 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 3 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 4 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 5 := 0
Shields Spaces Per One := 1200
Armor Spaces Per One := 150
Majority Comp Spaces Per One := 1200
Majority Comp Ability := Weapon
Secondary Comp Spaces Per One := 500
Secondary Comp Ability := Weapon
Num Misc Abilities := 14
Misc Ability 1 Name := Point-Defense
Misc Ability 1 Spaces Per One := 95
Misc Ability 2 Name := Combat To Hit Offense Plus
Misc Ability 2 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 3 Name := Quantum Reactor
Misc Ability 3 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 4 Name := Combat To Hit Defense Plus
Misc Ability 4 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 5 Name := Extra Movement Generation
Misc Ability 5 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 6 Name := Solar Supply Generation
Misc Ability 6 Spaces Per One := 395
Misc Ability 7 Name := Sensor Level
Misc Ability 7 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 8 Name := Shield Regeneration
Misc Ability 8 Spaces Per One := 275
Misc Ability 9 Name := Master Computer
Misc Ability 9 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 10 Name := Scanner Jammer
Misc Ability 10 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 11 Name := Self-Destruct
Misc Ability 11 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 12 Name := Mine Sweeping
Misc Ability 12 Spaces Per One := 295
Misc Ability 13 Name := Component Repair
Misc Ability 13 Spaces Per One := 150
Misc Ability 14 Name := Combat Best Experience
Misc Ability 14 Spaces Per One := 10000

[This message has been edited by God Emperor (edited 15 June 2001).]
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