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Old October 7th, 2006, 01:41 AM
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Default Setting the date problems - bug??

When I set a date in the range July 1940 to January 1941, inclusive, it always ends up as February 1941.
Is this a minor bug or some special feature?
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Old October 7th, 2006, 12:09 PM
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Default Re: Setting the date problems - bug??

Set the date in range for WHAT NATION ??

But let me take a stab in the dark and assume it's Australia/New Zealand and your opponent is Germany

If yes, the reason for this is there were no fighting anywhere between ANZAC and Germany between July 1940 and Feb 1941.

Try fighting the Italians between that time. That game will let you do that.

.....and yes, some people feel that even though there were no battles between that time we should provide the player with a "generic" battle location for you to fight in anyway just as we do if you decided to fight Vichy France or Spain and there are an equal number of people who think we should not. This is the way the game handles that little problem and we have no plans to change it. BOTH ways have their inherent inaccuracies.

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Old October 8th, 2006, 08:32 AM
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Default Re: Setting the date problems - bug??

Don, Thanks.

Actually you were wrong on the guess..

I tend in most cases to set the date first before selecting the sides. Since it seems initially selected sides have a side effect on date selection that is where the problem was occurring.
Now I know that I just initially select RED, GREEN or BLUE for the initial selection of the 2 sides and go that way.
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