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Old November 20th, 2005, 01:09 AM
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Default Retrofiting Remote Mining Base

Have a base in the air with two extractors on it mining an asteroid. I have a shipyard ship in the same location. I issued an order to retrofit to add 2 more panels but nothing happened and I received no message at all (so I don't know what's wrong). So, I tried retrofitting to add just one panel and again, no message of any kind and no upgrade took place.

Any idea why?
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Old November 20th, 2005, 02:32 AM
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Default Re: Retrofiting Remote Mining Base

I wonder if the remote mining activity prevents the ship from being upgraded as with construction?
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Old November 20th, 2005, 03:09 AM
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Default Re: Retrofiting Remote Mining Base

I will bet its the 50% rule.
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Old November 20th, 2005, 07:14 AM
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Default Re: Retrofiting Remote Mining Base

Captain Kwok said:
I wonder if the remote mining activity prevents the ship from being upgraded as with construction?
I don't believe it matters. I've successfully refitted my remote mining bases (usually a few times over as tech improves), and didn't have any issues. What was the overall cost difference between the two designs?
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Old November 20th, 2005, 08:25 AM
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Default Re: Retrofiting Remote Mining Base

Its the same as retrofitting ships. I remember in one of my games using starbases (2,5kt) with mining components. Using a retrofit series i was able to get the base full with mining components MUCH faster (i remember it took my 3 retrofits, though i packed the base full with plague bombs for maximum effience) than constructing them with a yard-ship could have resulted it. Its really awesome to mine a 200% mineral asteroid with 20 lvl 3 miners

Additionnally, the retrofitting doesnt stop the ressource gathering. Im sure of that as well.
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Old November 20th, 2005, 09:42 AM
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Default Re: Retrofiting Remote Mining Base

First of all, I'm upset because there is no message (successful or error) indicating what happened with the retrofit order . I've wasted 2 turns in a KotH game for the throne because I have to guess what the problem is because the game is not doing what it is supposed to do! Games like these have little tolerance for wasting time.

As to the problem being the 50% rule, the total size of the ship is 8000m, 400o, and 500r. Adding 2 panels had a cost of 2000m and 500r. Thinking rads might be causing the retrofiting problem, I wasted another turn telling it to retrofit to add 1 panel (cost 1000m and 250r...exactly half the existing rad size of the ship) but that failed with no message whatsoever.

I'm sure I've retrofitted bases before--the most recent game being Geo's 10-homeworld Dimension game so they CAN be retrofitted while mining.

Also, in the past, when I've exceeded the 50% rule (or didn't have enough resources in storage), I've gotten an error message.

[edit] - Actually, the time I tried to add a single panel, it was an org extractor and its cost was 1000m, 100o, and 100r. That's LESS THAN HALF the size of any category of materials and it failed.
ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third. (Ambrose Bierce)
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Old November 20th, 2005, 10:01 AM
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Default Re: Retrofiting Remote Mining Base

I suppose you have more than enough in all three resources at the moment you order the retrofit, right? (Even if you didn't, you should have got a message)

The 50% rule add all three resources, so you are fine, and again would have got a message. So, I'm not sure what the problem is. I gather there is no fishy order on the SY ship?
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