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Old March 11th, 2001, 03:59 PM

God Emperor God Emperor is offline
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Default Congratulations Mod Packers on Earth Alliance and Xi Chung

Congratulations on your work on tweaking the EA and Xi Chung AI's.

Started a v1.30 game the other day and specified the EA, Xi Chung, Sergetti and Darloks as AI players in the startup.
Have 13 races playing in a large galaxy (max difficulty, low bonus)and by turn 16, the EA and Xi Chung have pumped out 12 ships each, over half of which are warships. This really impressed me as I and the other races only had 5 or 6 ships (although all of mine at the time were warships).
Its now turn 38 and me, the EA, Xi Chung and Darlocks are the strongest empires (in that order).

Dont know what you did to the EA, Xi Chung and Darlocks but they are made of much more impressive stuff than the usual AI races. The Sergetti are coming 8th and dont seem as impressive, but, maybe they've encountered, the EA, Darlocks or Xi Chung.
Keep up the good work!!

PS: Stats are as follows

PPS: What mods did you make to get them to build so many ships and units?

PPPS: I have played with mod pack previously but have not seen the races doing this strongly before.

[This message has been edited by God Emperor (edited 11 March 2001).]
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Old March 11th, 2001, 04:46 PM

Sabre21 Sabre21 is offline
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Default Re: Congratulations Mod Packers on Earth Alliance and Xi Chung

Thats intersting how your game is coming along there Emperor, cuz mine is quite different. I am using all the same mods in a 250 star size galaxy with 20 players all at 5000 or expert levels and all set to the highest difficulty settings. I use those races that came with the mods along with all the trekkie races I created. So far I am pretty impressed with the original computer players. Being on turn 42, I am struggling to maintain 7th place as the UFP (Federation). The Norkaks(original SEIV player) are in first followed by the Klingons, Cardassians, Pratorians, Ferengi, Romulans, and myself. The Toron's, part of the mephisto mod are in 8th place. The Darloks are in 12, Xi'Chung in 13th, Narn at 15th, EA at 16th and Sergetti at 17th. One race has already been eliminated and the Romulans have pounded down the EEE to 1 planet, and they are blockading and hitting that one with a fleet of over 20 cruisers.
I have seen huge numbers of fleets all over the place, some fleets exceeding 30-40 ships. The galaxy I am in is a blood thirsty one...sheesh. Some races have not made contact yet, but those that have are in mortal combat with each other. Plus everyone is expanding like a pack of jackrabbits, except the poor EEE...hehe, their balloon is about to get popped This is one heck of a game!!


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Old March 11th, 2001, 05:07 PM

God Emperor God Emperor is offline
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Default Re: Congratulations Mod Packers on Earth Alliance and Xi Chung

Hmmmm, may be high bonuses and 5000 points balance things out.

In my galaxy, I havent encountered more than one enemy ship at a time (my ships fly in pairs), although I havent yet encountered the EA, Darlocks and Toron. Am at war with the Xi Chung....
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Old March 11th, 2001, 05:53 PM

Jason2 Jason2 is offline
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Default Re: Congratulations Mod Packers on Earth Alliance and Xi Chung

I have the identical start up stats (but a about a 100 planet system) and have seen massive EA, Sergetti and XiChung fleets. In fact, this is my second start up. The first one I got bLasted. I have about 200 fighters in one system and the Sergetti went through them with 12 ships, losing 2... ouch.

I am very, very happy with the mod pack... it has made the game a whole new experience!

Great work, modders!

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Old March 11th, 2001, 06:27 PM

Sabre21 Sabre21 is offline
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Default Re: Congratulations Mod Packers on Earth Alliance and Xi Chung

Emperor, one more thing I do is to create a map with all huge planets, each system averages 10 planets, although some only have 2 or 3 while a couple may have 15. The resource settings I put at a minimum of 100 to a max of 150. I have though increased some of the requirements of organics and radioactives on ship and facility construction, it tends to balance out better. I actually have a harder time maintaining radioactives than minerals. But as for the AI, they have no problem in creating large empires with huge numbers of ships. Add that to the high bonuses, this scenario is pretty tough.

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Old March 11th, 2001, 06:37 PM

belverus belverus is offline
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Default Re: Congratulations Mod Packers on Earth Alliance and Xi Chung

How did you create a map with all huge planets?

Lord Shadam IV - Ruler of the known universe (well I try to be anyway).

[This message has been edited by belverus (edited 11 March 2001).]
Lord Shadam IV - Ruler of the known universe (well I try to be anyway).
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