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Old June 15th, 2004, 12:13 AM

Sly Frog Sly Frog is offline
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Default How do you get the close combat spells to work?

Is there a way to cast close combat spells even semi-effectively? There's no point to casting them unless you are next to someone that turn, but how can you know just how many "attacks" to click prior to casting the spell? Are all of these "touch of ______" spells effectively worthless (except maybe for flyers, who automatically end up right next to something after one attack move)? Will the AI sometimes automatically use a spell if you simply set the order to generally attack?
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Old June 15th, 2004, 12:52 AM

wolfkinsov wolfkinsov is offline
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Default Re: How do you get the close combat spells to work?

Give your commander flying boots and set to attack for one turn. I am sure there are other ways but that one works.
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Old June 15th, 2004, 02:42 AM
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Default Re: How do you get the close combat spells to work?

The AI will only use the spells when set to "Cast". If the caster gets into melee, he has a 50% chance not to fight but to cast spells nevertheless. Most times the AI chooses some short-ranged, high-damage spell.

Most prefered are area effect spells which kill own and enemies troops in similar numbers, and the caster as well if things work out really good

Only jokin', really ...

Had Abysia trying to assasinate one of my Pans lately - think it was even the national hero: Assasine stabbed the Pan (who had cast Protection etc.) with his poisoned dagger, the Pan retaliated with "Poison Toch". The Pan had more hit points and got away even without any affliction ...
As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on rec.games.computer.stars somewhen back in 1998 ...
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