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Old June 14th, 2004, 10:20 PM

Glubber Glubber is offline
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Default Newbie Pangea

Have played only two other times. Getting together with seven friends for MP game. Need help in designing killer pretender/dominion/magic for Pangea (vanilla). Tactics too would be great!

I beat them Last time playing the Arcos and they are out to get me!

And how to spell songs work? How do you get them? I fired up a quick game with Pan and couldn't find it...
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Old June 14th, 2004, 10:42 PM

Norfleet Norfleet is offline
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Default Re: Newbie Pangea

Originally posted by Glubber:

And how to spell songs work? How do you get them? I fired up a quick game with Pan and couldn't find it...
Basically, they're just nationally-specific spells that mages of the relevant nation can cast, in this case, in combat. They're just like regular spells, only they're not part of any research branch.
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Old June 15th, 2004, 11:54 AM

Saxon Saxon is offline
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Default Re: Newbie Pangea


First piece of advice is to run a search on Pangea, there was a great thread on it about two weeks ago.

Second thing is that I love the Panic spell with a Carrion Dragon, with fear. I found that I could run off most independents and get a good start on the race to grab provinces. He is not so impressive later in the game, so I turn him over to summoning or searching for magic sites. Just be aware that with Panic and fear you will win battles against your opponents, but you are not destroying his armies to the extent that is normal. No problem with independents, but I have had a rough time if I let AI regroup with almost all their old strength. Remember to divide and conquer, not just divide.

Third, I have a tough time with research with this race unless I get a library. The Pan is very expensive. They are very cool, but not the way to start your research. I do not have, I am just mentioning this. And yes, I have magic at plus three.

Fourth, Mass Protection. If you get a few Pan’s, you get swarms of maenads. Their morale is pretty good, but they die easily. Once you get Mass Protection (and the Mother Oak that comes the level before), they become quite dangerous.

Restless worshippers and cheap temples are fun when combined. Also makes Gift of Life more useful.
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Old June 15th, 2004, 07:15 PM

Glubber Glubber is offline
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Default Re: Newbie Pangea

Thank You. I did a search for Pangea and came up with Lord of the Forest, 4 nature 2 earth (cause I like Vine Ogres), turmoil 3, luck 3, starting dominion 5 and restless worshippers. I'm always fearful of pegging turmoil at three but what the heck!

Hopefully the free naked women will help out, or at least make the game interesting!
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